
I did do shower hard iced tea last night and it was also very refreshing. Perhaps that should be a new column: best alcohol to drink in the shower. Will it shower beer?

If you are going to say DV is a predictor of mass shootings then taking psych meds sure as hell is too considering basically every mass shooter has been some cocktail of psych meds but you never hear a word about that one.

Not always as black and white as you may think. A friend who was a little drunk took his girlfriends phone and through it out the balcony because she kept filming him while he was playing poker with us and the only reason she was doing it was to piss him off. She called the cops and he was arrested. He pled guilty

Because the police never lose, take, or destroy private property “on accident”. There were hundreds of people who had guns confiscated after Hurricane Katrina and never got them back. The number of people who imply they trust cops to do that but don’t trust them to do even the most basic functions of their jobs never

So what would you do with regard to people who are charged but those charges end up being dismissed? People are charged all the time for a wide assortment of crimes, not just domestic violence, and then later evidence comes to light that those charges were not appropriate.

This article is so “guilty until proven innocent” it hurts. I’m a man who has been arrested for domestic abuse and I’ve never laid a violent finger on a woman in my life. Matter of fact; I’ve never really had a violent encounter but once or twice in my entire life and all of which were defensive, not offensive.

Great tips, I don’t see the political slant at all. Maybe next we should get an article on being oversensitive.

Come on don’t be one of those. Comey couldn’t recall most of the events/discussions he was asked about during his testimony. I can’t wait to see Trump and his goon squad crash and burn, but don’t be one of those people that takes issue with something only when their opposition does it.

Octopus obviously!!

Catastrophic policies pay 100% over a certain dollar amount. That’s why they’re called catastrophic policies. Most people don’t experience crippling health care costs every year.

Free? Hardly free. My premiums for a family of three is over $10k a year, my co-pays are $65, and my deductibles are over $6k a family member with a $15k cap out-of-pocket. This does not include eye care or dental. Free? Hardly. I’m handing over well over $10K a year for what? The three times a year my family goes to

Some of my favorite pictures are the ones my grandparents took of themselves in their younger years when they traveled the United States (and later various countries in the world).

My father’s family were/are Mennonites, as pacifists they sat out every war or served as medics until... 9/11. Turned them into anti-Muslim, pro-war lunatics.

I live in North Carolina. My extended family is pro-Confederate flag and defend their “heritage” while ignoring their history. Then there’s the local restaurant

Maybe I’m missing something, but there is one. I’m looking at it on my Galaxy tablet right now, and I have it on my Nexus 6. You might have to download it from the Amazon App store, but it definitely exists.

I disagree with the garage door opener. I have the Chamberlain Myq version and it’s really nice as a sanity check. “Did I forget to close the garage door? Let me check my phone. Nope it’s closed. good” It’ll even alert me if I leave it open for longer than a predetermined time, or if it opens at a strange, unexpected

Well would you look at that...

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

Because it’s the only approved word processing software at my employer.

It’s interesting that yellow seems to be getting such a following nowadays - they’ve been used for decades by target shooters precisely because they increase contrast, although they’re far more common for indoor ranges than outdoor.

Now playing

One question that I have that I have never heard answered is “If abortion makes up only three percent of the services you offer, and the president has said that he would not defund you if you just don’t offer abortions, why not just stop performing abortions so that you can continue to receive funding and help out