fuck that governor. fuck Mississippi. fuck the south. fuck racists. fuck Trump. Have a good weekend everyone else!
fuck that governor. fuck Mississippi. fuck the south. fuck racists. fuck Trump. Have a good weekend everyone else!
That's super fucked up. Side note: was listening to a conversation on Diane Rehm the other day about our water supply. No surprise that much of our bottled water supply is actually just bottled tap water, and the bottled water industry is far less regulated than good ol' tap water. Furthermore, a lot of cities have…
and her little baby girl with the noise-cancelling headphones. melts my heart!!
had to do a double. thought it was Alyssa Milano
no, it's Gwake for sure
I think the Double Feature is always on point. I see the resemblance every time!
Loafers and PEACH? I'm not Carrie Bradshaw. I can't just pull off any crazy combination of looks you want. Ok, Carrie didn't pull off a lot of looks either.
whoa, the low-camera-shooting-up-in-to-the-face angle. that's hard to pull off I'll have you know.
don't even go there with that NYTimes bs! ;)
Lala is amazing, and she wears tight, lacy, see-through dresses like a champ. And then she'll put on some huge-ass hoop earrings just to drive me wild.
she'd say "my boss is demanding, but this ain't kindergarten"
I was a teenage boy once. I’m glad my mom didn’t have an Instagram account with millions of followers. She too would have posted shirtless pictures of me with ca-razy professions of love. I would have died. Pretty sure.
Happy Birthday, Jen! I hope you have a great day!
it's "I H8 U Gavin"
skinny jeans are not flattering and look so uncomfortable.
I can’t imagine what that family is going through. As a fan of Serial, I understand that the show was designed to have entertainment value, and that must be hard to handle as the family of the murdered victim. I think this current court proceeding is warranted, but I feel horrible for Hai Min Lee's family.
haha, that's right. in their faces! everyone on this thread sounds like a bunch of lame-o's. "decamp to Gawker" - ok. "such a bad look" - uuhhh. "hire a community manager." JUST STOP.
he needs a black undershirt, stat!
omg, that made my day. perfect!!
like, so great.