I wonder if the fine folks at Sony TV can tell I'm only unmuting when I see a Community clip on during the ad breaks?
I wonder if the fine folks at Sony TV can tell I'm only unmuting when I see a Community clip on during the ad breaks?
Ooh, an ad for condoms with anaesthetic on the inside. This is a classy channel.
Tuning into Sony TV (Sky 157/Virgin 193) in prep for Community… Wow, they're really getting their mileage out of that 'Til Death syndication deal, huh?
Following an afternoon of whoring my Facebook out to promote Community in a relatively classy manner and getting little to no response, I've changed tack with my latest status:
Right, what YouTube video(s) do I plague Facebook people with to get them to watch Community on a semi-legitimate TV channel tonight?
Holy shit did The Third Man ever live up to its reputation. Had a bit of a noir binge last summer (don't know how that got left out) and I'm not sure any of the films I remember come close. Must be the zither.
Damn, really? It got a fairly solid recommendation from someone with a not-bad taste in films. Then again, that person is my 40-odd-year-old philosophy teacher and my basis for the not-bad claim is a shared enthusiasm for Sergio Leone. I'll set aside some schlubby time for it.
Internet people! In what order should I watch the following things I own copies of but haven't seen yet?
I really must get into Happy Endings, but I've taken to Cougar Town like Annie took to deception.
I completely forgot about Ann when writing that last post. Wonder if that says anything about that. Tom/Ann is terrible, too. Separately, Rashida Jones and Aziz Ansari consistently nail whatever parts they're given. Unfortunately, the whole is far less than the sum of its parts in this instance.
Is it wrong that I want Leslie to lose hard? Not even a near thing; just a flat-out crushing defeat. Really beat the pep out of her. I'm not saying I want the show to be miserable, I just miss the days when these people were upbeat in spite of things going wrong/staying mediocre, rather than constantly happy because…
Was your "that's hilarious" intended to evoke Andy Dwyer/Chris Pratt's delivery of the same following "Crappy Halloweiners"? Because that's how I read it.
Coolcoolcool. Just seems to be a commonly-espoused belief around these parts.
Is there any evidence that the big concepts are worse introductions to the show than pizza? My first was Cooperative Calligraphy, and while it's not one of the zanier examples, it rarely gets listed alongside 'normal' episodes in discussion around here. Half the show's charm is its boundary-pushing, so I don't see why…
Animal Farm isn't a book!
…Press that blue button.
Would you say that the distance ahead we must attain could be quantified with reference to a form of thoroughfare in the plural?
Counterpoint: Live and Let Die