
How, how is it a slap in the face that people who are interested are being given access to 70% of the game for free in the hopes of them buying the game. They still have to buy the base game for all features and expansions for their features. So do you want a cookie for purchasing a product 3 years ago, a medal maybe?

Yup, it pains me when I play games like fallout. Max strength and will never melee, but I need to carry my 20 unique weapons, 3 sets of armor, and then the rest of the vendor trash because profits...

Since simply banning something makes it so it is never encountered. Like that amazing drug war we’ve been waging. Right? Or how has Chicago been doing, toughest gun laws in the nation there must be so little crime there.

I never had an issue with Dinklage so much as I had an issue with the crap writing. It was an “epic story” lacking story and he was the one constant. The truth is you don’t always like those who travel by your side in games but well before I hit 20 with my first character his voice went from mildly annoying at times

This is better then just ripping off the PS4, the ventilation style on the top of the system is clearly drawn from the Xbox One. Why copy one, when you can copy both?

Not sure when you were into the game, but by the end of season 1 they were managing to infuse a bit more energy into it, with season 2 they focused on story and with HoT it’s looking as though it may recapture some of the original’s “magic” in the story telling department.

Like Sony hasn’t been doing it as well? Are you forgetting that Street Fighter V is a 3rd party exclusive for the PS$ which won’t be coming to the XB1? PlayStation/Sony has been buying 3rd party exclusives left and right and a timed exclusive is the only thing people are pissed about because it’s Microsoft. Its a shit

The last two blocks are the meat but wanted it to be in context. It’s interesting in some regards that MS is willing to invest in 3rd party games for timed exclusivity investing in the ip and boosting their resources; while SCEE president Jim Ryan said he has no need or desire to do so.

As for Square Enix, Spencer

Yeah, the studio said the game wouldn’t have been made if MS didn’t foot the bill, so chill.

“ Rape allegations also draw attention to an uncomfortable contradiction. One of the core beliefs of our legal system is that defendants are innocent until proven guilty. On the other hand, many people—after an entire recorded history that has often assumed the opposite—have a default response of wanting to support

“Pay to fuck your own team over” The ultimate troll package...

I can tell you as a married man and a father of two, this is wonderful to me. Wife or kids want to watch disney movies? I can go into my study, bedroom, back patio and stream games to my laptop essentially freeing up my device to play games while they’re using the tv for Netflix, etc.

Not everyone will utilize the

It’s been the most demanded feature on new consoles so you don’t have to own the old ones (makes sense when you can trade them in to buy the new system) but want to continue to play or have access to old games. Compound it with Sony’s comparable solution being a payed for solution and it comes across as a mic drop

I doubt it, this ties in with microsoft bringing conformity between Xbox and MS OSs

If she chose to self identify as black, and changed her appearance to reflect that, wouldn’t she be exposed to the same forms of discrimination (albeit from an older age)? I don’t really see the difference between this and Caitlyn Jenner who identified as male and became a female. Does she somehow not count as female

So random question and first I just want to make sure I have my facts strait;

Yeah, my father did the same thing to me with his third wife. proposed 3 weeks after me, and set the date for 3 weeks before our wedding... I feel the bitterness... ...

I’ll see your cousin’s and raise you my father.

Discipline? I think that got renamed to child abuse. As though a switching is going to damage the kid’s psyche more then posting berating videos of him/her on youtube...

I get what he’s talking about and it does make a little sense. (Not going so far as to say I wouldn’t play on pc because I still do) The issue is that with the console version you have 1 stick for movement and one which serves as a dodge roll. So rather then clicking all over the place trying to move it is much more