
I just want to cry this is so fucked up. We have this gift of a completely awful Trump candidate and the Democrats are throwing the country under the bus for the sake of the Clinton’s pride. <head/desk>

She screwed up by announcing yesterday that she would put Bill in charge of her economic policy! This is so fucking crazy I can't believe it.

The blue dog Democrats are so egotistical and blind they would rather leave us with President Trump than do what’s right for the country.

“Bill Clinton loyalists are already Hillary Clinton loyalists. He literally adds NOTHING at this point. He just brings his baggage and sticks his foot in his mouth.”

No. She announced he would specifically be put in charge of economic policy.

His policies were AWFUL. He cost millions of manufacturing jobs with NAFTA. He made the economic crash possible by changing the rules for Wall St w/the repeal of Glass Steagal!

Hillary just killed that defense by saying she would put him in charge of her Presidency’s economic policy!

Well Hillary blew that argument up when she said he’d be in charge of the goddamned economy if she’s elected! WHYYYYYY would she kill this defense she had? Fucking Christ on a crutch it's like they want to lose.

Seriously, what Bill has done and would do if she is elected matters way too much now!

If there was even the slightest violence the videos and pictures would be blasted on every network. There are in fact many videos from the convention, but since they disprove the Big Lie, they aren’t getting play. Sick to see the Democrats pick up Donald Trumps bullshit attack on Sanders supporters being violent.

I don’t know who gets murdered on Joey’s show, but I can already tell he did it.

-The guy from the Wire just assaulted a woman, not a threat but actual violence.

Way to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted! You sure taught a lesson to these powerless people. A story about the videos showing the BS voice voting procedure would be neat.

Can we be in this circle jerk if we don’t bring a strawman? If not, may I borrow one of yours? Ya’ll seem to have plenty.

It nags at the conscience of many who like to claim they have no choice but to support Clinton.

Also the faux moral dilemma when a female character finds out she’s pregnant. Will she get an abortion!? No. Never. Always comes the ‘I just couldn’t do that...’ Speech. *eye roll*

Hey, a lot of people rejected Clinton before Bernie ran in this primary. He’s a symptom, not the cause. He’s also a set of policies desired, not a celebrity (another thing Democrats confuse).