
Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party. Help build the alternative. If you can, vote Green ddown-ticket well.

You have less civics understanding and reading comprehension than a HS student and you’re telling me to read, lol! Read slowly:

“For starters, it seems that some might need a refresher course on the history of Obamacare’s enactment.

Now you’re confusing committees with the entire Senate. Either way: Things pass out of committee w/of need of GOP support via majority voting and the chairs direction. Then the Democrats passed the bill thru reconciliation, with ONLY Democrats supporting it, and it passed. No GOP votes, no need to abandon a public

Almost half means less than half, as in a losing minority, as Ryan said.

Yeah, and the pool of future doctors skews towards children of doctors and generally upper-class families, so these views are indoctrinated pretty young. Hopefully they'll run across more people like you in college and stretch their perspective.

Glad to see you can realize both parties are on the same page at the very least. The idea that the GOP set it up to fail is incorrect. Selling out to the health care industry for more than a quarter of a billion dollars is where the problem came in.

It was really written by a health insurance lobbyist named Elizabeth Flower, and then championed by Max Baucus (kind of lobbyist as well, he was so bought). I mean it also is essentially Romneycare, but I don’t think that counts when no one made the Democrats adopt that heritage foundation answer to Hillarycare in the

I notice this has become a repetitive concern troll comment. How about instead of haranguing ppl online you get out in your local community? Register people to vote, help them get id’s, remind them to vote, and help them get to the polls. I know it’s not as easy or fun as just concern trolling, but if you seriously

Most Doctors I’ve met are Republican. Once, while waiting, I heard my Doctor finishing up with an elderly woman next door. He was gently, kindly, warning her that Obamacare was going to destroy her Medicare. Then I basically had to ask this man’s permission for birth control pills. He said it was above his pay grade

Get ready, get organized, b/c either way we are going to need a mass movement of direct action to try to keep whichever sociopath in check. Maybe invest in gas masks and fire extinguishers? ^__~