Utah Jazz Hands

There are Texas-based Cowboys fans? Feels like when someone in Texas buys a Romo jersey they are immediately teleported 6 beers deep to my favorite East Coast sports bars.

It’s not that his takes are necessarily more outrageous now, it’s just that he has to re-tailor his takes to rile up his new Fox audience. So look out next week when Skip sends out a bunch of tweets calling the new Ghostbusters “the surprise comedy smash of the summer.”

as a spokesman for everyone else on the planet, go fuck yourself.

Yes because lord knows cherrypicking forum posts from websites dedicated to Overwatch cheating is a solid representation of people who play games across the globe -you totally get it.

Holy shit, this was filmed in Dallas?

the pain will be....exquisite...

Maybe the 800 or so indignant replies he has already gotten by stupid people screaming out “U STUPID!!! Drew does this every year!!”

I can't believe this many people think you are serious but no one this blindingly stupid would use your handle, methinks.

The Midwest has a great Native American tradition, they just need to make the logo more Plains.

Seahawks fans are now claiming that they have loved shitty puns “for years, like waaaaay long ago when the puns were especially terrible.”

Adding D-Rose makes them more of a suture-team.

Yup we sure proved how shitty they were when they played in the fuckin Super Bowl and lost by two scores after assfucking America’s sweethearts and the “unstoppable” offense of Brees and the Saints. Totally, bro.

You leave the Utah Jazz and their fans malone!

Fuck off, guy.

According to some site I visit that I can’t remember (Vox maybe?) people that comment on the stories there have only read the actual article like 20-30% of the time. Can’t remember how they figured it out. Maybe average time spent on the article before commenting, or something.

forgot to put them inn*

I haven’t seen a poorer road performance from a Jaguar since Bortles blah blah blah you get it

I think if you have time to perfectly marker your YouTube channel onto your chest before running out on the field, this is not a drunken spur-of-the-moment type thing.

If only there was some way for the Mets coaches, who are on the field live and see the play and can talk to the runner, to ask for some sort of official review to determine whether he was safe or not, but alas, how could we devise such a system?

She skipped college and was waiting tables when her uncle taught her to play guitar on Long Island, so she started the nightclub circuit after writing a few songs. Don’t see where any family wealth helped her at all, but hey, don’t let facts get in the way of your HOT TAEK.