This album is gorgeous and unsettling and it may have made me cry at one point. I'm not sure I can assign a letter grade to my visceral emotional reaction to it.
This album is gorgeous and unsettling and it may have made me cry at one point. I'm not sure I can assign a letter grade to my visceral emotional reaction to it.
I am so amped for this game. Any amount of time we have to wait for it to come stateside after the Japanese release is going to be excruciating.
Enter the Gungeon is the first roguelike to grab my interest as much as Isaac, but the difficulty can be brutal. Those last few bosses make for genuine bullet hell, and progression slows down once you start needing more money to unlock things. It's a lot of fun, but you really need a lot of things to break your way…
The option to speed up the game in these Final Fantasy remasters are a godsend. I actually finished VII for the first time since grinding my characters was a breeze and not an unholy slog. I'm excited to do the same for FFIX whenever it inevitably drops on PS4.
I can't wait to hear the internet tell me everything that's wrong with her!
I came so goddamn close to beating the boss of the fifth chamber in Enter the Gungeon last night. Like, last-sliver-of-health close. It's the furthest I've got after nearly 30 hours of playing.
I'm starting to think that's actually going to be the case, which will be retribution for everyone thinking Henry is Bobby Draper levels of useless.
God, I wanted so badly for someone to tell Scot to ride the bench and just take credit for the team that actually won at that reward challenge.
Oh man, seeing the collective hate for Jacob makes me so happy. His Doctor Who recaps were unbearable. They're what made me flee TWoP to run into the loving embrace of The AV Club.
Yeah, Kotaku has the only extensive preview I've seen so far. That and there are some videos of the first hour or so of the game up on YouTube.
I'm really tempted to pick this up, but I'm concerned it'll be like the first, where an amazing battle system is wasted on irritating characters and a tedious as hell endgame.
Worth it!
I was a little disappointed the trailer wasn't just shots of Mads Mikkelsen wearing ridiculously stylish suits in space.
Me during the last few minutes of this episode: Look at how much fun the Jennings are having while bowling! Psh, and people say this show is too grim.
I was basically just like Edie Falco at the end of this. Uncontrollable sobbing. I haven't been devastated by a television show like that in a long time. It's amazing how this series was able to culminate into something so heart-wrenching.
As short as it was, it did make me interested in the game. I still lament Final Fantasy's gradual slide into full-on action, but the combat was fun once I actually figured out what was going on.
I like Ludwig's because it forces me to time my attacks, and limit them to one or two before rolling out of danger. Most of my deaths are a result of being too greedy, and not knowing how many hits to dish out before I get caught in either the boss's most powerful attack or some inescapable combo that wrecks my health…
Mother of God, I thought the Forbidden Woods would never end. I guess the game deserves kudos for making you feel like you're genuinely lost in an evil forest, but I'm glad to have to made it through in only one go. I never want to kill another snake monster again.
After putting it off in favor of games that won't make me want to punch a hole through a wall, I'm finally taking on Bloodborne.
Yeah, once it's cheaper I'll get around to buying it too. I figure getting the latest entry will show me all the mechanics I've missed in the PS3 games, anyway. Though I still really want to play Disgaea D2 at some point, so hopefully there's a rerelease somewhere down the line.