Finally, Sessions picks on someone his own size. However, the naughty little elf should check with Keebler corporate. His anti-pot stance is denying them billions in the edibles market.
Finally, Sessions picks on someone his own size. However, the naughty little elf should check with Keebler corporate. His anti-pot stance is denying them billions in the edibles market.
Thank you for the thoughtful reply. It wasn’t just politics that brought us to this moment on crumbling infrastrcture. And that’s the second part of my argument. While Congress failed to replenish the highway trust fund it and USDOT provided little guidance to state DOTs about how their transportation funding should…
“Gee, I’m going to vote for the guy who will cut my taxes by $5.23 a year so I can spend $800 a year in new tires, wheels, alignments, and suspension parts because the state can’t maintain it’s roads anymore. DUUURRRRRRR” - Every dumbfuck Republican in Michigan
On most issues I would agree there’s plenty of blame to go around. But that’s not true when it comes to raising revenue through taxation and user fees. There is one party that is reliably opposed to increased taxation and it is the GOP.
Puritans played a large part int the founding of the USA and Canada. There are still echoes of them in both societies.
I can tell you this much: Conservatives love this shit. They think SHS is some kind of PR genius for essentially telling the “lame stream media” to sit and spin on their uncle’s dick.
I feel like the Obamas, Harry, & Megan are going to be aboard Richard Branson’s yacht shortly. Much more chill, way fewer paparazzi.
Stephen Miller looks like that Nazi villian from every WWII movie. I liked how Jake told him he knew he was playing to Trump and no one else. He called Trump a genius so many times, I thought he was playing the drinking game with him. Trump gets a McDonald’s milkshake every time someone calls him a genius.
So why would the neighborhood drunk set a house on fire?
The fucked up part ? This is the only universe where Trump even got the nomination. In 70% of universes, he’s incarcerated, in 12% he choked to death on various foods, predominately chicken bones, but pickles appear a surprising number of times.
In general, I would agree with you. But, in the case of some electric cars, the manufacturers must be taking huge losses on the leases. The depreciation over the lease period is much greater than the total lease payments. It’s not even close.
As someone who leased an EV (BMW i3) I can answer that question perfectly.
Fair enough, but can we please keep “dotard”? [I mean on the grounds that it wasn’t formed from X + tard.]
I’ve been wrongfully imprisoned was terrifying. I can’t inagine what it was like for her. I was an adult but because of a clerical error, literally someone just leaving a piece of paper on their desk instead of filing it, I answered a doorbell one night to find multiple cops fully kitted out asking for…
Rent it and wreck it. My motto for Airbnb toilets, and I guess for Mercedes when it comes to opposition research.
I think Blue States will be fine. Blue Cities in Red States will be okay for awhile until something major like a Hurricane hits and utilities go out(see Puerto Rico). Red towns/cities are already shit holes so business as usual there.
Don’t bother applauding. They want him to win so that the Republican Governor can replace him with either Luther Strange or Jeff Sessions. Sessions being a double-whammy because if Sessions goes back to the Senate, Trump can nominate an AG that can fire Mueller.
It would be so cool if Jezzies outside the US could do an update each week on politics. As it is an English language site, I imagine that we would be most likely to get updates from other English speaking nations, but even just adding Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Canada, Australia and New Zealand would be fascinating! I…
I think we’d be much better off with an ineffective Clinton than we’ve been with an ineffective Trump. Trump can’t get legislation passed to save the soul he doesn’t have, but he’s managed to do incredible damage to everything he touches, anyway. I live overseas, and I can’t even effectively communicate the amount of…