There’s nothing Evangelicals love more than a good persecution fantasy.
There’s nothing Evangelicals love more than a good persecution fantasy.
Just like in War of the Worlds it’s the little things that can bring something down. Like, say, an “administration” where everybody’s middle name is “Corrupt As All Fuck” and last name is “Stupid As A Box Of Hair-Worthington The III.”
Yep. It’s a mass case of Dunning-Kruger all over Fox News, because none of them has ever had to realize how much easier it is to be a lying asshole preaching to a dumbfuck choir than to acknowledge basic reality and appeal to more than the hateful Cletii of the world.
Pure jingoism. No real reason for it
Nah, Putin will let this play out. It works in his favor. He obviously is not getting the goodies he wanted, and Trump has proved an incredibly poor vessel to promote his goals. Therefore, his secondary goal is to weaken the US in particular and democracy in general. How better to do that than to let it come out…
Yup bored unless the cameras are on the fierce eyes and pouty lips and pretending to pay attention. She’s Zoolander, she only has one look but instead of blue steel it’s orange tin.
When I was a teen, the wealthy kids spent their summers in enriching activities like travelling or sports camps while the rest of us worked minimum wage. Now the wealthy kids do the same thing but the rest of the kids have nothing to do but watch t.v., since the entry level jobs are now permanently filled with adults.
I liked the version on the player piano on Season 1 of Westworld. Now that was unexpected.
They will until they’re injured at the workplace. Then they’d rather have them deporter, rather than pay workmen’s comp.
The Culture novels by Iain M. Banks would fit with your interest in The Expanse and Ancillary Justice. They’re not sequential, so you can start wherever. I’d suggest Player if Games as a good starting point.
How stupid do Fox News viewers need to be to believe that there is some secret conspiracy of Democrats trying to throw our borders wide open to damage this country? Because that’s what Michelle Malkin--a golem composed entirely of beef jerky and blind racial hatred—is doing.
I suspect that the charging just didn’t coincide with a politician’s use case. Most politicians seem to have very full appointment books, so he’s likely driving somewhere for a 30 minute meeting, then directly somewhere else for a 1 hour meeting, then to a new building for a 15 minute ribbon cutting ceremony, etc. If…
More importantly a microturbine (like the MiTRE) could run off of any fuel. Not just Gas.
He probably has a long list of insults lined up for each person on the council. “Oh, oh, so Ford wants to leave? Well, JD Powers gave the new F150 a “don’t buy” rating. And what’s up with the new Mustang? Not as much horsepower as the Camaro!”
“Some would say traitor?”
Listen shitstain.. You may want to educate yourself on the ‘Historical Statue’ you’re referring to.
May I point to a document that will brighten your day?
Trump is an empty, grease-stained McDonald’s bag borne aloft by a stray breeze. He cannot control his direction, and his current height is due to the vagaries of chance. I guess the point I’m driving at is, he is literal garbage and his garbage-ness is so fundamental to his being that I don’t think he can actually…
Lol, we’re more likely to get a lifted dually parked up on the sidewalk and a pair of edible thongs purchased at the Circle K.
As a kid I once dropped an icecream cone moments after buying it. I picked it up and ate it.