i call you on on bullshit

This is a sad, unsophisticated way of looking at the world. I bet you’re a top commenter on Breitbart.

You really are a fucking idiot. Get out of your mom’s basement and out into the real world and you would realize it is soooo much closer to 50/50 than you fucking realize. It’s just that presumptive assholes like you make it so the average female gamer would not want to attend the average gaming event. Hell,

Hi! You seem to be lost. 1951 is over there. In the past. Thanks!

Any particular reason you felt a need to throw “liberals” in there? This isn’t a particularly political issue, it solely has to do with gender and diversity as a whole. In the few things I’ve read about it, nothing has struck me as strongly liberal vs conservative, red vs blue.
There are 30+ people judging in that