
Hmm, you don’t have children of your own. The world is a better place for it, for now.

Yes dahling :)

Nor yours :)

Please do all of the above with your beloved pet and more. However, I will say that I’ve seen measles in person. It was basically a cold followed by a rash. But like I said in my earlier post, I have no problems with vaccines. Give your children 100 vaccines for all I care :)

“Just some fecal matter.”- stop, please, just stop. I’m done here.


Darling, I can’t even have a rational discussion with you when you start off a sentence with “The dog licking is probably good for the children...”.

Why don’t we do this? Let’s see where your children are compared to mine in about 20 years. We can keep in touch via Twitter @dorothymilfort. Time will tell no? ;)

Although I chose to not vaccinate my daughter, I’m very pro vaccines. When I go to a public restroom and see how many people don’t wash their hands after using the toilet or the people who let their dogs lick their infant’s face, I can see the reasons for vaccinations. However, I think the choice to vaccinate should