
@Mark 2000: they don't give us anything. all they have is paper saying we owe them. if they demand it, OF COURSE we're going to kill them. you always kill the guy you owe 100 grand. kill him before he kills you. I don't know what story book your schoolteacher found in th 50 cent bin, but that's just not at all true. Catholics didn't want the Bible in the hands of the people because they were so increadibly abusive and didn't want the people to realize that almost everything the catholics taught and forced

3 light bulbs cost more than a Kinect. haha.

sure, I'll take 10 for $60. final offer

as soon as they create a robot physically capable of implementing the level of detail here, we're going to have some robots beyond the uncanny valley! that'll be quite....uncanny

I think we all understand that the curve is just for (1) differentiation (2) visual attractiveness (3) function. on function, it's kinda nice to have the slight feedback you get by feeling the curve. you can tell when you're by the edge.

@Yahweh_Took_My_Prepuce: I don't think you understand what you're talking about. But we know what you mean :)

@Bulldogger: I've always known about it. But you just made me cry.

only one has a rope. the other 2 are photoshoped. and the fighter is probably photoshoped to. FAKE.

That's not Kosher!

@XorBomber: yeah, they originally published 500MB, but that of course, was ridiculously large.

Nuclear blast? WHATEVER. we've known we were all already dead since season 1 when we got to this crazy island.

@GitInMyVanSteveDave: I didn't vote for Obama, but while he does a lot of vocal pandering that makes rogue states less cautious, he hasn't cut down the military at all. In fact, we're in a bigger war than Iraq now.

@vinod1978: Ok. well, I understand you anyways. Catholics are so hypocritical because they wave the Bible around but never seem to pay attention to what it actually says.

@meow-mixer: yeah, didn't think so. I guess the closest thing is a 7in netbook.

@WilliamTheFifth: No. that's just how we usually say it. it really is memory, it's just a matter of how the software is using it.

any chance it can run windows 7? I need something exactly like that that can run MS Robotics Development Studio