Where’s the “Facebook and Google vacuuming up all the revenue” option?
Where’s the “Facebook and Google vacuuming up all the revenue” option?
I agree. Funnily enough, I don’t really play any indie games anymore, with 3 kids and a job my gaming time is limited, but I still have tracked their rise over the last several years and one thing I have appreciated in the gaming I do have a chance to do anymore is how they have pushed AAA developers to be better at…
You have to define the word “important” somehow, and I just think it would be hard to conclude that any particular indie game really drove the evolution and progression of gaming culture as much as any of the games on the list. I think you could have included the evolution of indie games as a whole, but given that…
I think that’s only clichéd in pretty hardcore gaming circles. “Important” is of course, a bit of a weasel word. You have to define it somehow. For me the most fair way to define “important” seems to be some balance of degree of impact on other games and the breadth of that impact on gaming and popular culture as a…
They are though it’s worth noting that Boston is a pretty blue city, with Tawmy and Bob still being exceedingly popular figures in the city.
Just a reminder that the most popular people in Boston, Tom “I Like My Balls Soft” Brady and Bobby “Two Tugs” Kraft, are both big buds with Donald Trump.
So Kinja’s been bad for me for awhile now, and for whatever reason I can’t seem to pull up the comments on the “Most Important Games” of the 2010s thread, so I’ll rant about it here.
Yeah that’s very much a “Mike Pence Does Sex Ed” type of position to take.
I mean, I’m joking but also not entirely.
I mean, I’m joking, but also not entirely.
Sherrod Brown is the candidate I would have liked to have. Considerably more liberal than candidates like Biden, Buttigieg & Harris but who also pushes for grounded policy movements.
I wasn’t being a total freak when I accidentally killed myself, I was just consummating my marriage!
Single calls a spade a spade: you’re not dating someone, you’re not married, and that’s okay.
I hope Stephen Miller is sitting in the room when Trump finds out about this so he can convince Trump that his first inclination to tweet out an accusation against Carroll of committing treason with this lawsuit is a good one.
I feel like it’s appropriate to threadjack here and talk about how G/O has gone from “WE ARE DELETING EVERYTHING BUT THE MAIN PAGE ARTICLES AND COMMENTS FROM KINJA KTHXBYE” to “Okay never mind” in the space of, like, 3 hours?
Because if anything says “enemy of the bourgeoisie” it’s a $500 t-shirt.
But then Whoopi remembered that the endless bouts of McCain v. Behar are an essential cog in the machinery of the View that generates her a steady paycheck larger than what 99% of people take home and all was well again.
I’m trying to read the fine print here, and I think the answer may be that there’s no interest but that this isn’t really a new or neato feature in banking at all either.
Are [Insert Advertising Prop] the revolution we really need?
The consequences for Elon Musk have nothing to do with Twitter’s policies, and everything to do with the laws and court orders he broke by what he chose to say publicly, Twitter (and Joe Rogan’s show) being only the medium.