
Yeah, I mean, totally agreed.

That’s cute and all, but I will vote for Bernie Sanders if he emerges from the primary.

Deflect deflect deflect.

*holds microphone up


I’ll count it if you can tell me exactly how to cash in on the “Get Paid” part of the equation.

Look I can’t blame you. I honestly thought this comment would get more booing than anything else, and I still didn’t care because I’m just that easily amused.

I can’t wait to read Jacobin’s hit piece on how Hamilton is a bootlicker for buying Fage instead of bartering personal training lessons for homemade yogurt at a local co-op now.

Good to see the guys from Nickelback didn’t stand around waiting for a hero to save us.

I have a love/hate relationship with Goop.

Look uh, Samantha, as goofy as Pete’s answer to the Veep question was, your response is just ... yikes.

I mean, she’s maybe 2nd place, but if were ranking characters based on their morality then uh, how does Richard Splett not win that race by a laughably huge margin?

Do you know who Richard Burgon is?

The great thing about media today is that everyone’s understanding of “objective reality” can be custom tailored to fit their viewing preferences.

There’s no excuse!

First: One of the things Trump does most is think about tweeting and controlling the narrative. You’re delusional if you dont’ think he won’t actually dial in and focus when it comes to learning any other platform.

But it depends on the overall health and well being of the individual.

But the point is the position of President means he doesn’t need Twitter to be a keyboard warrior.  Dude could be blogging from a wordpress blog and his reach would still be the same.  All taking him off of Twitter would do is give him material for days.

Yeah, uh, the President is not Milo fucking Yiannopolous or Richard Spencer. There is no effective way to deplatform him and any efforts to do so will only add more force to his narrative and anyone who believes you can do anything else is an idiot.

Kicking Trump off of Twitter does not deny him that in any meaningful way.