Are we’re going to discover that a mass suicide occurred today at a compound that we come to discover was a cult dedicated to the belief that the only way to Heaven was to kill themselves on the day that Kanye West released his next album?
Are we’re going to discover that a mass suicide occurred today at a compound that we come to discover was a cult dedicated to the belief that the only way to Heaven was to kill themselves on the day that Kanye West released his next album?
What if he’s planning on releasing it at 9:27:19 p.m. on 9/27/19?
No, I mean the American left as in any political movement that has existed to the left of the Democratic party. There have been a number of them over the decades and while their prominence in the zeitgeist has ebbed and flowed over the decades, whatever meager power they’ve been able to cobble together has always been…
Except the American left wing has existed for almost a century in US politics and it doesn’t win swing districts. Period. Never has. Never will.
I think that’s a pretty legitimate question. That’s where Hamilton makes more valid points. For my money what I’d like to see is taxation of returns in excess of operating costs and capital outlays.
I mean, I guess I just ... don’t care?
You could plug all the unrealized investment losses in the world into your Turbo Tax return profile and you still would get any sort of tax return for them but okay sure.
No, you’d reply in earnest if you could muster a single example of a Democratic Socialist / Justice Democrat who didn’t get curb stomped in a swing district but you can’t because they don’t exist and they’ll never exist, moron.
I mean, why shouldn’t they? Harvard has a lot of money, but it’s also a private institution. Who cares if they make the rich kids getting in because of daddy’s legacy connections pay? It’s not like it’s the kid that is going to pay.
Show me the Democratic Socialist who won a swing district and then you and your mor0nic lil’ buds can start to argue that your notions about how politics in America work have any basis in reality. Until then, any time you fuckwits open your mouth about swing districts, your opinions will be dismissed for stupidity.
What?!? What the actual fuck are these people doing? WHY SHOULD ANYONE HAVE TO PAY $47,000 to go to school there?!?!
Eh, it’s fine for private universities to have an endowments. They have them in the social democracies of Europe that have more reasonable funding programs for their public universities and it’s fine, really. And come on Hamilton let’s be real, elite private universities do indeed get used to do all that bad stuff you…
I think their assertion, which actually seems pretty plausible, is that he was “bent over” in the act of getting up to come towards her. If you were sitting back in a chair eating a bowl of ice cream minding your own damn business and some stranger came barging through your door you would lean forward to get out of…
Every time I see his face I just want to get a straight jacket and tie him down at an old timey barber shop where an old dude with a straight razor will clean him up.
Is there a better series long villain in a television series ever than Boyd Crowder?
(Even though Carlson’s the one whose ad dollars are tanking but whatever...)
many of whom can realistically expect to lose their seats the next time there’s a wave election.
In the context of crawling around on his hands and knees in front of Trump wrestling with other Trump Admin/Org folks for sausages I respectfully disagree.
I think it’s over 30 but there’s also limitations for smaller employers though I think that goes up to any parent/affiliated company headcounts and in this case I’d assume Bustle has more than the threshold, so yeah, 28 hours to avoid it.
Shitty, but not particularly surprising.