
I didn’t know a Trump was tweeting about it but that sums up the problem right there. Give the conspiracy wackjobs even the potential of a morsel of truth and they’ll run with it to the ends of the earth.

I mean, dude spits a flaming sword out of his freaking mouth and bends the evil and corrupt governments of the world over his knee for a firm paddling. Scary ass shit when you think about living in a country run by Donald fucking Trump.

The story is thinly sourced, though what’s come out recently is less sketchy than the “she married her brother” conspiracy.

I wouldn’t say Jesus was necessarily egalitarian. There are plenty of things where the Bible paints an inconstant portrait of him on. Though it’s probably worthwhile to deconstruct all the elements of that story, including the denouement that comes after Jesus decides to help her.

I mean, if you have the magical power to force the candidates to answer honestly, I could imagine at least one of them saying “Continue to attempt to expand the power of the executive branch to carry out my agenda regardless of the federal legislature’s recalcitrance”?

Bipartisanship is definitely dead.

“Jesus told the guards, ‘do what you came for friend’. And that, being the signal Jesus’ commandos were waiting for, resulted in a barrage of gunfire from the nearby bushes into the Socialist Roman guards who had come to arrest him, slaughtering them wholesale, including the traitor Judas.

Game is either a shining example of redemption or an irredeemable scourage with blood on his hands.

Maria, don’t look at it. Shut your eyes, Maria! Don’t look at it no matter what happens!

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council

Eh, if I were a British person I’d draw little comfort from this. As deserving as Johnson is of all this and more, the likely outcome probably doesn’t improve under any realistic scenario.

That’s what I always figured.

The politics of ideas like this has had me scratching my head for awhile now.

I would say the only way you should ever trust a guy with this is if he’s your spouse and you both know for sure that you don’t want kids right now but may want them in the future. And by know for sure I mean you’ve gone through the stress of child rearing and he now is much more cognizant of the benefits of family

Perhaps the number-one concern in most conversations about male birth control, is whether there are side effects (since apparently decades of research on the side effects for the female birth control pill is not robust enough)

“Bitch is bitter because without him we’re doing better,” posted by Zamora, was taken as a diss against fellow YouTuber Jeffree Star, conspicuously absent from the photo. (A few days prior, Zamora had tweeted and deleted a long thread accusing Star of making racist comments.)

Pleasant is different than good. I’d say it almost always pays to be a pleasant person, and maybe being a good person is an iffy proposition.

It’s cheesy as hell, but it’s message about the dangers of bread and circuses comes through loud and clear and when you think about how jingoistic most action schlock was during that era, it’s willingness to be 1984 with Arnold Schwarzenegger looks almost courageous, especially by comparison to the Has Fallen movies.

Every Sunday (or Monday that is a holiday), I turn on an action movie in the background as I get ready for the week. Cooking up some extra meals, packing lunches and repacking supply bags for the kids, folding laundry, whatever. The key thing is that the plot needs to be so elementary and the sound cues so obvious

reclaiming the word “awkward”