Uso Ewin

Sym-Bionic Titan was never canceled in my mind.

It was probably so they could make the character they always wanted (a girl artist Manadalorian) and then awkwardly wedge her into the show. That's what I understood from the behind the scenes interviews done before the show aired.

F is for Allen Gregory

Snake's tranquilizer still hasn't worn off?

Metal Gear 2 doesn't shatter the fourth wall. The MSX wasn't built for that.

Not really, there was a yarn/cloth themed level in Yoshi's Story way before Epic Yarn. They are just ripping themselves off.

The movie is crap. The show just takes a while to get going.

Regardless of its quality, it deserves everything for being the cradle for Tiny Toons.

Obligatory mention of that game's great soundtrack. I never quite thought of the story in that way before.

Not to mention the terrible variety of Pokemon.

A tiny little tent.
It's pulsing now.
Watch it go to half-mast.

"What is the most abrasive buzzword you've heard all day?"

Deviantart says no.

Clarance did it first.

Out of all the shows previously mentioned the one thing that gives Steven Universe the edge is its consistency. It doesn't have the duller episodes that Regular Show has while also balancing its large arcs with its humor better than Adventure Time and Gravity Falls.

The Top Spin.

I tried to do that the year of Link Between Worlds. I ended up finishing LBW going back to Oracle of Seasons and wondering why when I touched the walls I didn't turn into a painting.

Less people to punch them with their flaming arms.

Everyone knows that all hookers prefer RC cola.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, stop being such an ass hole and leave Katy perry alone she has thebest voice in the music business she would never EVER sing something like this and of you dont leave her alone I will come to your mothers house go into the basement drag you fat ass up the stairs and beat you in front