
The game is too bounty heavy right now, for sure, but all of this stuff was designed months ago. It’s going to take time for Bungie to pivot and respond to feedback about the structure. And you say “they could do much, much more” but you literally don’t know anything about what they’re doing. You don’t know what

I’m happy to have these simple, take-it-or-leave-it events, especially when they’re 100% free for all players, regardless of whether or not you have the season pass. It’s a fun little distraction to keep the game engaging, and it stokes a lot of fun banter in the community with people arguing over which class is best.

Yes. I do hold black sports fan accountable but the difference with the NBA and the WNBA, as those women are actually leading the charge in protest, is that the stars of both leagues have made it impossible for the owners to come down on the players. You think anyone is telling LeBron he can’t wear a Tamir Rice

Oh, but Charlie Brown, I can see that. Down on his luck white man, nothing goes his way, it seems. That’s the picture of your standard white supremacist, actually. Lucy reminds me of a woman on a recent picture of white supremacists marching somewhere. It’s all becoming so clear...

Context only matters to people who have more then about 75 IQ points.


I’ll have to find it, but somewhere there is an article that says the Greens WANT the Republicans to fuck up the country, because they honestly believe we’ll turn to them to save us.  They know they’re siphoning votes from the Democrats.  They’re the political version of end-of-times Christians, who wish the

No one’s saying the Green party is the reason why the country is fucked. The author is just using statistics to make a valid case for why they played the spoilers in this most recent presidential election.

But that would require any work outside of just filling in a nomination form every 4 years and whining about how shit the Dems are when they do zero fucking work themselves.

I’m about 99.999999% sure Green Party candidates are just in it for the money. You know you won’t win so may as well just line your pockets at the detriment of the country?

No one went after that man’s family. They directly addressed him and him alone, and left when asked. Please stop the hyperbole. 

You deplore the demonstrations taking place in Birmingham. But your statement, I am sorry to say, fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations. I am sure that none of you would want to rest content with the superficial kind of social analysis that deals merely with

It’s also to close to Collard, and I’ll be damned if they take that too.

Shit. Forgot blue collar. And also white collar. Apparently white people are the only people with collars.

Yeah, like...I can imagine that having most of your legislative agenda and legacy dismantled, piece-by-piece, by an utter fucking buffoon would leave a bad taste in one’s mouth.

Leading the opposition to Trump and his policies is the last thing Obama should be doing.

It would appear that Obama must continue to play the “Magical Negro” role until white liberals are satisfied with his overall performance.

How can he do all this altruistic shit you expect of him when almost all of his time is dedicated to running the Deep State?



Hey, at least you have Justin Beiber Norwood. ;P GEN X RULES! :D