
TAS Joker has always been the best film/TV Joker. 

Am I the only person who find the complaint about a lack of innovation to be completely irrelevant? I mean, how many people who are planning to buy Borderlands 3 want it to be anything other than more Borderlands? I know some people are saying “I was burnt out of Borderlands after the first one, part 2 didn’t tickle

I honestly don’t care... It was cosplay, not satire of a racial characteristic.

Cosplay aims to represent a character... not a race.

Blackface aimed to represent a race while ridiculizing it.... VERY different.

“Oh I didn’t know Blackface was a thing” is bullshit in an age where you can google something in 10 seconds...

Alright, I’m going to do my best to wade into a particularly tricky subject here without offending anyone. Wish me luck...