
"Some TV shows never even make it past the first season"
Some? you mean the vast majority never make it past the first season.

Anyone else unable to read the article because the right hand sidebar is covering it on a 1920x1080 monitor while still having a HUGE EMPTY SPACE TO THE LEFT OF THE FUCKING ARTICLE!

All I remember is that the London underground staff where singing for about 2 weeks and they kept playing it over the PA.

That's racist and Asian countries absolutely hate the 'any Asian is fine thing' trust me to far east Asians if the choice is a character of one nationality being played by either an actor of a different far east Asian nationality or white then they will pick white.

The Oriental parts of Asia have issues with each other (putting it mildly) and if given the choice of a for example Chinese actor or a White used to portray a Japanese character the Japanese would choose the White actor and the Korean's would as well.

No one acknowledges it cause you where way more thorough with your genocide.

Tibet doesn't exist it hasn't since 1951. When China conquered Tiber there was less than 3 billion people on this planet today there is 7.3 billion.

Except the Chinese hate that even more look at the Ghost in the shell stuff where the Japanese don't care about white people being cast as it's a USA adaption of something they have multiple version of already but the idea of it being suggested that a Korean or Chinese actress being cast really pissed them off.

Plenty of Asian countries make there own films most of which get subtitled into many languages when was the last time you heard of a non western made film with black actors? that's why in the USA it's white and black most Asians don't care they have there own films and what the USA produces.

No he's using the term for how it was originally intended 'SJW - Tumblr patrons who arguing with is pointless'. Then it became 'any liberal I disagree with' because people love making retorts with no thought behind them.

This 'while Homer’s movie-length litany of every dystopian future movie was shoehorned in there, it was still pretty funny. Plus—Chappie burn.' the Exhaustibles and all Lisa's scenes were great.

And it's the second highest rated program of the night…thanks middle America.