Username too long

Did they say how long the training took? I got the impression it could have been years, but that they mentioned the memory thing to explain why he still got better than everyone else.

We're supposed to be surprised a producer got final cut on a film?

Yoko Ono did it!

UK. It's the date on IMDb, and the one I think I remember from the trailer.
It's possible the release was planned and then cancelled I guess (there have been films that never made it to cinemas in spite of a release date on IMDb).

I saw a trailer for this before Don't Breathe, and its apparently scheduled for release next week.
A few of his films were on Netflix at some point.

It's not, as the article points out, there have been many many Chinese films based on that book.

In the US anyone who lives south of Texas is considered a person of colour (as a fellow non-US citizen, I occasionally find their take on my country as well meaning as it is uninformed).

I just checked his Wikipedia entry after someone upthread mentioned it had a section on lawsuits, he apparently earned almost three millions in damages fairly early in his career when an ad for which he had declined use of a song then hired an impersonator.
It certainly explains why he's been able to do pretty much

He should then give the context instead of pushing an incorrect reading. When I read this sentence, my take isn't that he's simplifying things for today's readers, it's that he himself didn't understand who the FLN were (and his later justification in the comments would tend to confirm this, conflating people who

But by referring to them as Muslim guerrilla fighter instead of anti-colonialist or independentist (apparently not a word in English, but you get the idea), you are giving primacy to something that was at the time not essential. You could as equally have emphasised the respect of basic liberties regardless of religion

The history of Lebanon sort of gives the lie to your hope that a secular state where all co-exist is an option sadly.

There was nothing religious about their governments. They are Muslim countries and cultures so of course they follow Muslim principles, just like Western legislators (and I'm not talking about the crazy right-wing ones) talk about Christian principles. It doesn't mean it has anything to do with letting religion

They were Muslims (everyone in Algeria was/is), but their political ideology was miles away from what is understood today by Muslim guerrilla fighters or even just vaguely political Islam.
You mention the changing context of the times, today it reads very differently from what was meant at the time.

There was one more week apparently, I'm probably being too optimistic, but considering he tends to have regular working relationships with a few directors, I assume in the end things turn mostly ok.
Of course it's likely this here was a bigger production which would complicate things and make Gilliam's decision more

If it's the producer I'm thinking of, he apparently does have the reputation of being a bit of a crook, but he does find the money eventually. The people who should worry are the financiers, not the artists, Gilliam should have had more faith.

That's the same resolution as 4k projections in cinemas though. I suspect they're the ones who pushed the change to make look like the standard 2k DCP projection wasn't almost equivalent to Blu-ray.

The most laughable thing about 4k TVs is that most cinemas are showing films in 2k, who has a TV big enough that it requires a better resolution than a cinema? And that's before we get to the corollary that almost no content is being made in 4k in the first place.

People who live in countries with decent broadband speeds.

A cinema chain here now and then does premieres of surprise movies to build up buzz, it's a bit cheaper and the films they pick are always critically acclaimed.
That was the first and last time they did a horror movie, these now have a separate series name.

And you also have to pay extras for some dishes, it can go up to 500 a head before you factor in drinks (service is included at least), another reason why he was unimpressed.
Having been there a couple of year ago, I must say I wasn't all that impressed either. It was overall good, but in a rather predictable way and