Username too long

Two articles over a couple of days raking him over the coals for that opinion might not be the best way to prove him wrong.

We have a decent education system thank you very much.

I speak the Queen's English, or at least I try to.
These debates aren't strictly American.

Tweedy did a stop so his son could pay for college, add the tour that's quite a bit of time not being able to work on new material.

Maybe the interested groups haven't seen it yet, and it's not part of a plot point either.
But as far as Tropic Thunder is concerned there were enough complaints for the wiki page to have a controversy section.

Has Seinfeld even had a cruel or objectionable bit?

That's racist!

I was thinking of the "r word".

It was using no-no words and had blackface, and actually got heavily criticised for it, but I don't recall it depicting racist behaviour for fun.

It also helps when Richard Pryor is writing your movie.
But I still think though that if that script was made today no-one would dare to touch it.

adr might be a dick, but that's still a shocking mistake to make. Can we agree that no one here looks smart?

A more serious and practical answer, considering the rather vague question, could be: what's the difference between where you are and where you want to be? How do you get there? If this proves to be an unobtainable goal, what alternative are you happy with?

Forrest MacNeil reviewed cocaine for you, five stars, highly recommended.

An addiction of any sort is usually a good way to carry on. You always have your next fix to look forward to, and after a (very short) while, will or impulse isn't even part of the equation.

Or maybe it's just that he's already been successful for far longer than any comedy star, but sooner or later they all start to fade away (assuming things are even going as badly for him as the article states).

Yes, for an article complaining that Sandler is punching down, it seems to have no problem attacking an easy target based on not much more than dislike.
And yes, You Don't Mess With The Zohan is one of the best comedies of the last ten years, I don't care what else Sandler has done.

That's My Boy was rated R, if it showed anything it's that Sandler's appeal diminishes as people age.

Let's make it very simple: what rights are nerds being denied?

You're not exactly proving me wrong, and that post shows you to have a lot more in common with Sheldon that you would probably admit, after he was in a recent-ish episode comparing whatever upset he was going through to the discrimination African-Americans had to go through.
You bring up women, minorities, or LGBT; can

The nerds' struggle for equal rights has gone unrecognised for too long. Thank you for fighting the good fight and your sense of perspective.