Yes,but they’re chocolate covered carrots.
Yes,but they’re chocolate covered carrots.
There’s still an Open scotus seat.
Yes!!! Especially because nobody else SSeems to be reporting on trump. It’s 20-30 FBI, cclinton, abedin, tight polls etc articles
“I will soon get a warrant to read some emails that may or maybe not be about hillary, you guys. Maybe they are the same emails we already have.” is not about transparency. It’s hopeful thinking . The man wants To keep his job, get invited to republican parties again and avoid a democratic senate that would pass…
Please. He eats those too.
Except when he gets obsessed with one of his conspiracy theories, like the time he believed we should bring the death penalty back to New York for 5 innocent teens. He still does, after 20 years, dna evidence etc. What else has he believed for that long? 1. Women are objects for his tiny hands 2. Laws are for poor…
“Curing” gayness in teens with electroshocks and brainwashing is worse than closing parts of a bridge.
He cannot be fired or replaced. He cannot quit or serve for 8 more years, his choice. No potus can t Touch him. Separation of powers.
That poll was taken before this was news, so...
No, caligula started out as a good politician, then went full sex-maniac and ruined everything& brought shame to his family. Totally weiner.
Navarro said she would vote for hrc if it was close.
Yes but she’s so funktioniert right now!!! Plus conservative cat fights are good for Schadenfreude.
So navarro will be potus in 2020 or 2024?
Denial. Delusion. Absurd sexism
So white suburbian voters can pretend hes not racist. He may have committed housing discrimination and Tried to get back the death penalty for 5 innocent black teeny ages 13-16, but hey, he went to a black church once.
Meh. Colbert did it better.
It Took me way too long to get that.