The tomatoes must be from vermont! Otherwise they are not perfect and if they are not perfect we must punish them for their ... their.... the fact that we just dont like them, ok??
The tomatoes must be from vermont! Otherwise they are not perfect and if they are not perfect we must punish them for their ... their.... the fact that we just dont like them, ok??
Oh God is this our next kim?
Can jeffrey bridges play him in the movie?
Southern german here. I can attest to that. We think you guys lost your minds. Or collectively lost like 50 IQ points each. We sort of thought you learned your bush lesson, but apparently not.
Or he says “i dont know what that is”/”this thing now has New meaning because i decided so” when he doesnt want to talk about things. Like the holes in his golden bedsheets.
By what measure was he consixered sane before? The Minute he stepped off that escalator he sounded senile, aggressive, Obsessed with his own racism and Ego. Plus, birtherism.
She worked with the guy who believed women couldnt get preggers from rape before this. And defended that shit. Woman has no soul.
Now why would you Do that to australia? They successfully passed gun control and stuff! The aborigene need less racist white people around, not more.
Thats what lawyers are for. He doesn’t have the self control to be that strategic. Someone dared to ccritizise him so he must hit back ten times harder and scream his rage into the biggest possible microphone day and night. I Used to wonder why he never had a heartattack. Now i’m thinking we just never found out…
Maybe they all had to give him bjs to win and he couldnt enjoy them anymore once his plaything gained weight. There has to be a reason whwhy he liked Bill clinton so much. I think its Charm & cheater combination, plus the admiration he gets. Donnie thinks hes a 35 year old president clinton.
Didnt Bill clinton do that?
Oh, hey, hillary.
Westboro baptist church is still a church. Abstinence only education is still education. KFC still implies chicken and people with college degrees still hear “trickle down economy” without being insulted.
Or any man. How little do you respect america, if you want to Put someone with that little knowledge, respect, patience or humilty in charge? Zero job experience, but a criminal history for decades. He values nothing but himself and his own desires and is too arrogant to learn.
Of course she was. It as called “benghazi “
It’s a tweet that happily ssubsfor a domtweet obviously.
Basically Michelle is just demure enough while being athletic, smart but doesn’t keep any one from mansplaining, no ppolitical cartoons which equals no baggage, no policy talk, faszinierende Icon, likeable, cool but a gardening mom, confident but not “uppity” and also still believably fuckable.
Gabbard is not that progressive. Seriously. She may have backed bernie but on the issues...
Maybe ich introduce you to voter suppression laws? The repubs have the red states ON lockdown like nobody’s business.
Wait... Was the “dont cory me” after the dnc? Cause that is some World class shade!