How would she treat a friend who forgave a cheating spouse? Hopefully better?
How would she treat a friend who forgave a cheating spouse? Hopefully better?
Is this how she hires all people or just her potus? Because she should NOT be in charge of hiring people.
It’s because their not voting for jill. Their voting against hillary. Jill could be harambe for all they care.
She would make a good embassador
Michelle is graceful, charming and smart. But she’s about as qualified as jill stein.
Honest abe was corrupt as fuck. He may have freed the slaves, but he also went easy on “poor elderly “ southerners who just “needed” their slaves, possibly for partisan reasons, stacked the courts, plus, you know.... I think the term the Kids like to use is “warhawk”. Plus he was elected as someone who promised the…
Would a perfect unicorn human being signed up for a job that includes drones? I know im never would and i’m not the greatest Person. The jobs asks for someone with lived experience, diplomatic talents, stell nerves, strong health, great intelligence, aber thick skin...
Wouldnt driving past a crashed car do as much to help as to endanger the Crash victims? (No. The answer is no. )
Well, he started in 2014... kinda hard to walking that back. (For reference, see daily show)
It’s like she’s forgetting someone...
Plus third parties only seem to care about presidential elections. Does the Green Party even exist as a Party with any elected representatives? The libertarians have started running senate candidates at least, but judging from their convention they are a group of very different, mostly crazy anarchist ideologies.…
There wont be a change to the Status quo, period. (Unless trump wins. Then God help us.) The young progressive people who demanded change didnt even show up for senate primaries this year, they will never ever show up for the midterms.
That’s not it. Its the birther thing. Republicans fucked her familys life up and not everyone has hillarys resilience.
If those woods are federal Land, the donald will sell them for profit. I wish i was making this up.
Too coherent.
Gonzalo curiel will make an excellect scotus judge. Just saying.
It takes a lot to Shock me about us police practices. This does it.
Most advertisement is about getting attention and being memorable, not convincing people. Her demographic is simple: people who wanna See katy naked.
Nah, you’re thinking of colorado.
If only there was a way to force every bernieorbust Idiot to read this . Once a day. Until Nov 8.