
This. How Come everyone is so happy about this article? She doesn’t vote. Which makes it impossible for her to influence criminal just ich reform. She Quotes mlk who went to prison for her voting rights. Letters dont improve police culture one bit. Wanna know how racist pam bondis fast tracking of executions is?

That just seems like another way to isolate people from society at large so they can be controlled better.

Except it isnt. Lewinski was a college graduate.

Would not. Dude is old! Like bernie old! Now if you started a poll about the current potus...

Bernie, timberlake kaine...

Hes not the ttype. He will Jumper on Marc cuban, screaming bloody murder and swinging his tiny lil hands, then suffer a heart attack.

That’s not all mirror. That is one of those paintings he bought with charity money.

Didnt even mention hillarys cankles . Sad.

Calm down, it’s Washington, not Florida.

Taking drugs makes you paranoid. Just saying.

ABC was worse. They just said, oh, if you liked one before, you will still like them. Nothing changed. Tyt gave “best line” to trump because... establishment? I watched their clip. It was him talking incoherently for minutes. Not sure what he intended to say, how many sentences or topics it was. All inklusive know

All cameras. She looks great llately, while he... I dont know what that face&skin is. But HD is definitely not his friend. Noone who got pampered all his life should look like that.

At least in europe, that was not the way of thinking until the settlements, un reports and (tto a much smaller degree) the treatment of african refugees. This is not to say that Israel should be blamed alone, since it is in a vulnerable situation, and surrounded by unstabile and in part hostile countries. However,

Which is why he cant be potus. Unqualified.

Is that a confession?

Do Shots, girl. You eearned it.

Justin birber will win the write in vote

Yes it is. Sam bee Uses it constantly.

He already does that.

He slept with Mr. Fitz. Shhhh!