
Very much? All he needs to do is catch up in pennsylvania.

He also gave trump his contact lists in june.

9 more and you get a free gun for Lady liberty!

But no pressure cookers, so iit’s all good. Srsly, why??? What is the deal with guns? Does all of america have a tiny penis? They make trashy red cars for that, guys!

One for every day of the week! You guys need anti gun lobbyists, maybe that’ll fix it?

Bibi loves himself some white nationalism! This just proves that whenever he mentions antisemitism to fight off critique, it’s the political cosby equivalency  of playing the race card.

Like he could tell bibi and abbas apart!

To be fair, he might just be that stupid?

There already is a Wall. That’s how good he is!

Personally, i think prince prettyman would have been arrested better choice!


Didnt both she and her husband try to negotiate in order to get a two state solution?

By that logic you might wanna leave and give “your” country back to the people who are currently protesting the dakot pipeline.

They’re both whiny bastards?

Did he give him advice on how to react to klansmen-endorsements? Does Netanjahu know about this? Wow, he must really love all that military money!

Ohmigod its Almost as if they Meter before... you guys, i think hillary is good at meeting foreign officials. She can read podium speeches next to them, do photo ops and all. So presidential.

Please explain.

It’s hillarys future intern.

Please. Prince prettyman is obviously trumps New “spokesperson.” he is John Barons second Cousin.

That is the goal i guess. Men wont really care about this ad itself until their daughters will yell at them for not caring about their feelings. Conservative women will shrug and claims “oout of context “ until an enraged daughter asks them which context makes this ok.