I know, right? He could hire a Trainer, Chef, aber whole beauty salon for good manicures, believable spray Tans and wigs... the way he looks now is a distorted, comical fun-house Version of his youth. He turned himself into requiem for a dream.
I know, right? He could hire a Trainer, Chef, aber whole beauty salon for good manicures, believable spray Tans and wigs... the way he looks now is a distorted, comical fun-house Version of his youth. He turned himself into requiem for a dream.
Based on what?
Have they though? The only reason they’re leading companies is bc daddy Put them there. Ivanka copies Most of his horrible business techniques.
He literally has The money to hire a Chef and tell them his food cravings over the phone before he leaves the office. Wtf , Idiot?
Take it back from whom? The senate and house, most state legislatures and most governorships belong to one party. It’s not democrats.
Meh. Obama had more funktioniert with it, giggling at his own Bad dad jokes, insulting zach.
My Toaster would be better than trump!!
At least he could write his own speeches and win a debate by turning it into a rap battle.
Kim would turn the campaign tshirts into crop tops
Kanye for potus would page the way for a Paul Ryan landslide in 2020.
There’s an r next to his Name. I have no clue how she can get behind vp pence though. He would be so disgusted by her and he would make the medical procedures that gave her the West grandkids illegal. And demonize her other daughters for divorce, sexy photoshoots, Kids out of wedlock...
Any day now he will announce that he cannot win without americas vote. He doesn’t even want her, really. She’s not even a ten. Russia is much hotter!
No. Probably not downticket... for hillary and the Senate candidate maybe, because that fehlst glamorous.
They are not getting circulated cause people decided they love Hollywood election stuff for bernie and Hollywood fundraisers for obama. The second hrc did them, bernie started bitterly attachking her for it. His attack then became the only headlines about her fundraisers. You would think hed be happy that She spends…
Translation: She doesnt know shit about trump, but does not want her husband and Kids profiled or side with the blue lives matter nonsense cause kanye hates that shit.
So they should kneel and remember? Okay. Something tells me this rep never considered joining the military.
Still better than trump.
Not sure about that. I read voxs piece on her and it describes the Main problems as indecisiveness, campaign infighting and weak strategy. BBasically she hired people she liked instead of the strongest contenders for the jobs. This primary was more structured and better organized, plus no obama, so she won.
It’s just sad noone in her camp is distributing “Come with me if you wanna live!” Tshirts.
Then you will just *love * the next president! He is hugely, bbigly informed! He has The best brain ! Enjoys.