
You mean pro choice?

And tenn more college students in ohio are going to vote Stein now cause they just “knew it! She’s a secret republican!!!”

Honestly, he might bring the woman Bill supposedly raped and benghazi mom instead. Hill should bring the Khans, Marc cuban, elizabeth warren and judge curiel. Just to be sure.

Complacent? Hillary clinton? Pretty sure she hasnt been Complacent since she learned how to tie her own shoelaces.

They will Cheer on trumps deportation force, holding ak47s and wearing racist xxxl tshirts.

But he is not charging Standard rates, he charges the campaign much, much more!

Politico has more than 5 front page stories about the emails. Right now. And then some stories of how republicans react to the emails. I Sweatshirt to Godesberg, there is ssome serious Prozent money out there for “journalist/story that Takes hrc down.” they’re all just angeling to win it.

And yet he is ahead in the polls. And bernie people still think hillary is the one who gets things “handed to her”.

I clicked. Now i’m feel sick.

That Is NOT fair. Corey assaulted more than one Person during the primaries, give the thug some credit!

It’s just weird. Do they use Hi for anything but trump segments? No. And in these, he cannot critizise donnie because of the non-disclosure and he cannot reveal any information he learned on the campaign. So... He is useless for good tv. Cnn literally pays someone who can only praise the donald or ddeflect to attack

And even nihilists and anarchists should look down on trump for his Lack of brainwaves.

Nope, She never went bankrupt. And for all wear know she didnt cheat the tax System by hundreds of millions, doesnt launder money in a “charity” or create pyramid/Ponzi schemes. She is just utterly ignorant and beyond entitled.

Only if hitler ran as a republican. She pprobably internalised the talking points so hard over the decades while denying her true self every Minute of every day that She is incapable of changing. Bitch is old. Plus major tax break, Yay!

She is clearly preying on her step daughters political illiteracy here. Aasshole!

Most counterproductive dick move ever.

Exactly. She looks like a glamorous Hollywood Star.

Im not saying hes American psycho for sure, but do we know where he was when scalia died?

It’s the contrast i think. They could have Used a nicely lit picture of him with his best smile, Open eyes, maybe with family. This looks like they intentionally went with a “hhave you Seen this dangerous man?” Type picture.

Can someone tell cops that all black Men are not Luke cage? Thx.