Hiding from hrc.
Hiding from hrc.
Depends. If she can prove she told him her Age, yes. If they find texts where she pretends to be 18 or its word against word... no idea.
Plus he invented two personas to humiliate her in the press, Baron and Smith. He Used it to slut shame her and make everyone believe he had Tons of gfs at once and that She wasnt good enough to marry.
Same. Its mean and dumb of me but she looks like someone did some plastic sSurgery to get the trump off of her face and failed. I did See some make up free pics of hers once and she looked great there
Still doesn’t help if people think voting for jill stein & gary Johnson equals voting against trump.
True. He gives all of his blowjobs standing up.
Hes a refugee. Of course he should speak out against drumpf
Who the f is in charge of this camera? The angles, the weird zooming... and the questions!!! “Hrc i Admire you so much. Donnie tweeted sth. React to it!”
And its wherevers.
“Bless your heart, dear. Would you like an Apple? They’re from chappaqua.”
Plus he is always all owed to answer with giving just his opinion. Or critizising someone.
Women are weak. It is known.
She basically won a debate against the entire rep Party. Dumpster will need all the help the moderators and press will give him nnett week
They know the bernie people love conspiracy theories about hrc, so they want to drive them insane enough that theyll all vote for jill/gary
Weed, i mean illegal guns. Joking. Its weed.
But then what will they with all of the ruined bedsheets?
Best article ever!
Works better than his casinos.
I endorse this plan.
But he gets to appoint federal district court judges plus number 9 on scotus so...