
Youre underestimating the press, they would find Something to create their horsie race.

Didnt the AP redact that story? Was there a single thing proven or why do Reporters still mentions it all the time? Hillary has one fucking controversy (emails) that wouldnt be one if she retired in 2013. Its a Spin off from the benghazi watch trials that your tax Dollars paid. There is a reason people bring up the

It’s also auch huge popularity contest that doesn’t ensure the “Most deserving“ candidates win. People vote on an emotional level, then rationalize it. Saying someone “deserves” to win is a subjective statement.

And she gets the highest bar. Remember when she won the virgin islands and Puerto Rico in a blowout? Every media Person still said bernie had “momentum” going into Florida. She is the only public figure who never ever will get a ccomeback-kid narrative.

I have father in her Wiping the floor with drumpf. The media will still call Him the winner for “best zinger” or “confidenxe”

He could do that . They would still critizise hill for not smiling during.

If she does that, they will vote for him outta sympathy

But he just needs to deliver a fellow good lines and that is all 90 per entfernt of america will See. Over and over and over.

When one Person Sets you on fire and another one watches in horror, then snapchats, tweets etc about what a monster the first Person is but does nothing to help because “establishment! She’s so entitled! Ooooh, does the annointed one want Waterloo?” I will feel free to blame them both.

Jackpot. He is soooooo dumb, it CoComes across like an excitable puppy

But where do you draw the line?

Sam b and John Oliver are amazing, colbert and even kimmel ask someone hard questions, eeven Ellen on daytime prepares 1-2 tough questions for politicians and demands an answer.

“You gained 40 gramms, you’re no longer als 10!”

Yes. Why did you think American psycho got rebooted? Its 2.0: trustfund cannibal

If i can get the American Immigration and vetting offices to test whether or not i’m about to be roofied for 18 months, i’ll take 10 out of 10 drinks.

But there are more than 9 in that Bowl, do you mean how many skittles fit in donnies little hands?

“Deport the rainbow” was my favourite.

This made me think of trayvon too. Now i’m sad again. F you, littlefinger jr!

Well. Noone in aleppo got hurt, so...

He wants to follow his Role model dick cheney. His words.