
People keep saying that shit as if she didnt work, nnetwork and prepare for this for 16 years. What is with you people? These are always the same commenters who insist it should have been handed to bernie by the super delegates because he is so holy. You think we wouldnt be finding out shit about bernie that would

Of course they Wall will make it through con gross these aare the same morons who okayd billions in border security spending while licking joe arpaios feet. Also, if trumps ideas dont scare you, his Ego and idiocy should. He sounds like a mad afrikanischen dictator every time he opens his front hole. His veep wants to

Romney did the same. Campaigning is not for eeveryone

But... She does not have a dick, so everyone else can be one towards her. Heyheyjey, i dont make the rules...

Christie doesn’t like him. He was bribed by donations and gave him a 25 mill tax cut a while ago. The donald probably recorded some conversations.

China wont deliver they’re mad at him.

He just gave an Interview on his vp Rolex model. If dick cheney 2.0 does not make you vote for hillary, gotta have your head eexamined.

Ralph nader confirms this.

Really start Ing to hate young americans. Oh, you didnt get your extra special First wish? Poor baby. No, you dont have to vote if it doesnt make you feel happy. You dont want that bitch cause she is a career politician? Have a jill Stein. Her Job is running for office. Any office, really. Or how bout a gar Johnson?

Because he cant get it up. The last time that tiny disgustinng thing worked was before the white house correspondents dinner 2011. Melania still sende seth&obama thank you flowers.

Am i the only one who is extremely bored and underwhelmed by everything veep? It is as boring as girls, with as many uunlikable, but still uninteresting chaeacters. People Quote it a Lot... I dont even understand that Part.

I disagree. Terry Crews should be handed all the awards!

Wrong. She’ll Share it once donald trump Releases his tax returns.

OR make her Share a restaurant table with actual lil wayne. She would e soooooo uncomfortable.


Nope. Check msnbc. The “liberal ones” are virtuelly blowing him right now with their headlines. “More transparent” “trump changes position” “trump on fallon”

Under budget... of course its fucking under budget! He doesn’t pay his people!!!

The press will never harms him. He did the same in scotland, montes ago.

Nope. Media is on their site, otherwise we would read everywhere about how he doesn’t pay his campaign staff. They walked out on him in virginia, but psssssht!

Even if she does... there will be no Comeback story. Everyone eexpects her to know about the issues and be a strong debater. All trump has to do is to get one or two Cathy lines in and not admit that he doesnt know the difference between the department of education and the majorityy whip, aber national Park, aleppo