Heyheyjey - how else is he going to fit rate culture into his imaginary lynching?
Heyheyjey - how else is he going to fit rate culture into his imaginary lynching?
The military would not fight thousands of citizens. What is this, syria?
Men should not be in office. Too much Sexual harrassment happens when you let them in. Since Boys will be boys, they should be at home, raising their Kids.
Why though?? It wasn’t even that weird. I seriously don’t get the dean Problem. He is the Most stuffy, mainstream democrat out there.
Correction, his wife has nine kids. He knows of them, because he Counted them two weekends ago. A guy like that wouldnt even know which of his Kids loves math and which one has a bee allergy.
True. Germany never had Millions of citizens who were armen to the Teeth with semi-automatic weapons.
Speaking as a german, everything about trump gives me history-nightmares. there are lots of autobiographical books showing that educated germans just shrugged Hitler off as a joke, aber bit of a crude trashy dude, but noone to be taken seriously. He also wanted his political opponents arrested and shot.... just saying.
1o bucks on Andrea mitchell and Wolf blitzer asking clinton if she Plans to kill these 9 babies by becoming potus.
Please. He’d tell hillary to shut it and ask donald duck probing questions about the hotness of his daughter.
This may be Victim shaming on some level, but... look at what he eats. Im kinda surprised he’s still alive with that diet, his bloodpressure, screaming himself into a heartattack-rage every day... Also, Golf is not exercise. Just putting it out there. And if were his doc, i’d check him for scin cancer.
Nope. First step is Put a white family in the white house again. That is what they mean by “taking our country back”. They have Most of the governorships, the Senate and they’ve been in charge of the house since 2010. But they wont be able to Rest easy until obama is done.
His face is also the living definition of the word ‘sinister’
It’s not that this just happened to be their base, it’s that they cultivated and created this base, from the southern strategy to the nobama years.
Why do it get such a distinct kkk vibe from pence? Is it a movie? His face, eyes? Help me out here. Everytime his facial expression goes “intense statesmanlike” i See “i know where the bodies are buried and you will never find them”. Its especially creeptastic when handing-out-playdoh
Because one of them is a fascist, dumb and unqualified meglomaniac and the other is a girl. So, ew
Nope he is the dude from mad Men, but in a lifetime movie
Marry me?
This guy is pretty Good at faux outrage, gotta give him that. Did any one ask him what he thinks about donnies Name calling and insults? Nobody? Of course they didnt. Both sides do it! Squirrel, i mean emails!!
Like donald trump. Boom! Couldnt resist.