
3 women married trump. Nothing surprises me anymore.

Sit? That is sad. Have some stamina, brat.

Started to?

True. She has no stamina, he will just wait for her to nap on stage

The media will still say he wonach on style

He’s got the best, classiest reality!

I saw that. I thought he was about to grab and shake her

You say that like the Moderator wont help him.

Probably. Anderson cooper has caved to the Donalds needs before. The foxx news guguy already said he will ignore it if trump tells the audience we should push all Muslims of the corner of the earth.

Am i the only one who starts hating him whenever he Ofens his mouth? Seriously, what is that voice? Is he asking a butler for smelling salts? Why does it sound so arrogant and full of contempt? He sounds like Narzissa malfoy.

You mean white soldiers, right? Cause that guy would have been arrested within seconds as a black guy.

They’re either less regular than you think, or rreally naive towards pyramid schemes or they just dont know what an election is.

Big effing Deal. Ben carson does it, too and he’ s in a Coma!

Nope. Ben carson will get that Job in his sleep.

Parts of him are definitely blue. There’s is noch wway this thing gets laid.

Thank you! I keep thinking how is he not in jail? Is he in some club with Roger ailes, cosby and bossey?

That corporate welfare bitch needs to get a job. Typical white guy thug, hhanding-out-playdoh out on street corners, making grandmas feel uncomfortable. I hear he was a drug dealer, too.

9/10 chance that this will include makeovers.

Heyheyjey - that is jill steins entire campaign strategy! Plus spray paint.

Yet it’s working. I will never understand americans. You guys know this is a Job interview, right ? You’re the one hiring. This is not a vote for best reality tv villain!