
It’s so he remembers his Name. Not the ssmartest dude...

Come on now! He will not wait that long

She also looks a Lot like her Moms 2 replacements, so...

They all sorta look alike. As if there is only one acceptable body shape, face, hair color and ethnicity for womenz in the trump family. Plus they all wear a shit Ton of make up, fake tan and bondage dresses plus heels. Like miss usa contestants, they look purely ornamental. As if they’re slowly transitioning into

Have you been on Twitter today? They’re both indulgence and proud to be called deplorable. They also think half of trump supporters equals all americans.

He has yet to be forced to explain that slogan

No but they Bury it under hundreds of oder stories. Msnbc had the FBI not es on hillarys emails as their massive Front page pic for 4 fucking days. Donnie hired bossey that same weekend and we’re still not talking about that. Even kinja hhasn’t denen auch story on it.

They get distracted by emails, Twitter, coughing,... squirrel!

And cause they’re responsible, they hides this under “omg hillary is dying you guys “ wwhile other news outlets just pretend it never happened.

Does she really have one on? How can you tell?

She is melanias human smuggler, i mean Immigration lawyer.

Am i the only one who thinks the basket is adorable? I picture Katrin pierson carrying it through the woods as lil Red riding hood

Like housing discrimination?

Why do people go out of their way to give him the benefit of the doubt on this? He screams rapist shit from a podium, surrounds himself with racists and was sued for discrimination. What does a white man in america have to do to be classified as racist?

You think they’re mad now? Wait till they find out what deplorable eans!

Now all the trump surrogates have to pretend outrage. How dare she say politically incorrect things? They’re so hurt, you guys!

I agree, but isnt letting someone die or risk their health illegal? When do prison officials have to act? They are responsible if someone harms themselves.

How am i just now noticing that assange never even mentions her? All he does is hang out in an embassy and bitch about hillary. She’s rotting in prison for the thing that made him famous. Yet he acts like he is the worlds greatest Victim.

Kill it with fire!!

Nope. They will crown him the winner for lying and talking over everyone. Then they will taļk about expecting better from her, especially how she answered the 12 email questions during the economy and Energy policy pparts of the debate.