
A depressingly large swath of the world is getting very regressive on issues of feminism and equality, as traditional gender norms are seemingly resurgent in the more conservative pushes of the modern nationalist era.

I really hate this excuse. Certain cultural values absolutely need to be respected; any cultural value that positions one human being as lesser than another on the basis of sex, gender, orientation, or much of anything else that isn’t an open and direct crime against other people deserves no respect.

Human beings are

Oh look, didn’t take long for the “it’s a different country” accounts with hyper-sexualised anime children avatar to come out now did it...

So basically these vermin manchildren have the influence their Western brethren wish they had... but will just as likely be the first to complain about how society treats them badly.

I have good news for you...

Nothing special about sports. I agree though.

Smashing shit because you lost is just fucking pathetic. Congratulations to “runitblack” on being an overgrown pissbaby.

Do I have to really explain why an adult should not be with a minor? Reallly? Or the part where he is purposely after minors after being made aware of that fact several times?

Now I want to see shit like this in other sports.

Tekken Tim seems pretty chill


Yes. look to the Japanese scene where Daigo, Tokido, Bonchan and many others are very professional and friendly and never have acted this way.

Are there any video game “pros” who aren’t childish, racist, sexist, homophobic shitstains?

1. He’s an adult. AKA he has more experience than the people in question who are minors. That’s the power of experience. Ex: Amanda Todd’s predator: Aydin Coban. He used his experiences to coerce her and 30+ other girls. He was not famous before the investigation.

lol!!! You think bands didn’t take advantage of those girls back in the day?

Fame is power.

Yep. Dems are getting played so hard right now, and y’all don’t even see it.

Thing is when something sounds too good to be true like free lunches, or a timeshare vacation, or Paul Ryan just deciding to quit, it probably is. The fight is never over.

Dems are experts at finding ways to screw things up. I have faith in them.

Yep, that’s how the last election went. Thinking we’re too good for idiocy to prevail is definitely not enough.