
Go fuck yourself. Littering isn’t acceptable and shouldn’t be in any culture.  Taiwan’s media just misrepresented some of what he did, every major country has problems with media sensationalizing things or playing up racist fears but calling their culture shit when you’re probably from America which is far worse in

You have to keep in mind while Japan was an axis power in WW2 what the Nazi’s did in Europe in regards to the killing of Jews had no affect over Japan, so I am not surprised it wouldn’t be large topic for international history.

I think the manji being similar is part of it but I think a much bigger part is the lack of education on the holocaust and the western side of World War 2.  When a kid in harajuku wears a big red swastika, they know it’s not a manji and I’m not going to assume they’re dumb enough to think it’s the same symbol, but

I don’t think that’s the reason. Obviously they’re similar but there’s a difference between wearing a manji and wearing literal nazi clothing which signifies the holocaust and something completely different from the manji. 

The manji is not the same as the swastika, I’m aware of their similarities. That’s not the main reason why though, people just don’t have the cultural connotation with the reversed and tilted axis swastika and the holocaust because Japanese perspective of World War 2 is very eastern/US focused and education about the

Edit nevermind I was wrong, the Navy still apparently uses it. Have never seen one in Japan except on white tourist heads and on black nationalist vans.  

Ah well, I haven’t seen it except by nationalists in black vans and careless tourists since living in Japan for five years. I’ve talked to my Japanese friends about the flag a few times and their views towards it seem rather negative but thanks for the information. On nationalistic holidays even, just the normal

I think many see the imperial flag as cool just because Americans fetishized and use it in media carelessly so much, especially in the 90's for whatever reason. It’s certainly more interesting than the confederate flag which I don’t think is even an interesting or unique design.  The plain Japanese flag is beautiful

The rising sun flag has not been used officially by Japan since WW2

And conservatives on game boards are already raging about this. For players in China, Korea and other countries that faced mass slaughter, rape and torture by Japan, this flag is like the swastika is to us or to Europe.

Really the biggest issue for me is that it’s only on 3DS when I’ve completely moved to the Switch.
I can’t compell myself to play a system that I find less ideal just for a small downloadable game when the switch already has a wealth of titles I want to play.  If they port it to the Switch, there’s no doubt I would

Companies tend to behave differently here. I get that it sounds like a no brainer, but they’re probably thinking of all of the negative things that will happen due to short supply and maintaining the machines, training staff through massive demand. In America I think people tend to jump onto something if they think it

Ahh right.


Strong zeroes are forever going to be my pregame drink of choice anyway.

Your comment seems reasonable which is unacceptable on the internet.

They gave him a butt-chin

Rightfully so tbh. Not all kpop is bad but the kpop fandom is toxic and kind of gross

Gay kpop band members are actually restricted from dating publicly or revealing their sexuality. Kpop is awful for the lgbt movement. BL is just fetishization targeted to straight women. 

This. It’s fetishization, not celebration. The Kpop industry is hell, and they’re doing this to pander to girls or boys who fetishize homosexuality of the opposite sex, that’s it.  It’s not positive for lgbt people.