
The game definitely isn’t perfect and I know a lot of people don’t find that aspect fun, the survival aspect is fun to most people but the twitchy build spamming isn’t really why the game is popular. The fact there are no cooldowns and walls appear instantly seems to be because the game wasn’t fully planned out as a

Yeah but I’m just saying fundamentally that aspect isn’t fun to me.

Did you not read my comment? I said I like the building but shit like this

Tbh wish the game wasn’t so building focused. Mechanically the game is better than pubg and it feels more polished and fun, but the best players are the ones who spam build walls during combat and rapidly delete and build and it almost feels like this would be an exploit in another game or there should be some cool

Highly recommend them. Just wish they had some form of weather resistance, that would make them perfect headphones because on days where it’s even slightly drizzling or snowing, I have to go back to wired earpods and it’s such a shitty feeling when all of your music sounds about 100x worse. The headphones have

Highly recommend them. Just wish they had some form of weather resistance, that would make them perfect headphones

Kanji is hell. Currently dealing with kanji and vocabulary, each kanji has multiple readings so you basically never really can guess how a word is said or pronounced until you learn it on its own.

Nintendo has already bricked hacked 3DSes, they’re trying to protect their console from piracy and these people are bringing the Switch to the point where the PSP was, pretty soon piracy might be rampant on the Switch and game sales will massively decline as a result.

Honestly I hate this shit because this is what killed the PSP. Usually I’m on the side of the consumer but if they make piracy easy like they did with the PSP, game sales will take a nosedive and the Switch will be fucked.

“I personally think it was a dick move on Marvel’s part to allow this.”

Many sports are called games but not all games are sports. Chess isn’t a sport, magic isn’t a sport, relatively nonphysical games aren’t sports.

People call them sports, see above. Games can be called esports but the name is quite silly and equating them with sports rather than “games” like Magic, chess, etc (which they’re closer to due to the lack of physical demand) is really silly. It’s not a sporting event but more like a championship for any other number

That’s their choice to call them sports, they can call them esports but factually they aren’t sports. It’s not pedantic, words have meaning and while many sports can be called games, not all games are sports

Sony owns the film and game rights to Spider Man, they can do whatever the fuck they’d like to do since they’re funding it and they own the rights.

Because sports are physical activities that test strength, dexterity, etc while games like chess and video games are games, not sports.

Don’t throw your controller at me.

Way to fit with the angry e sports stereotype.

Well gaming isn’t a sport for one

Holy shit those conversations are so cringe.

Console sales aren’t ultimately what makes them the most money. The profit marigins of consoles especially early on aren’t high so even if they’re selling fewer consoles now, strong game sales and acceptable console sales is really good for them. The profit marigins of a console increase significantly over the course