Nah that would feel like they’re shipping you an unfinished game and hoping you’ll buy DLC. Feels too much like EA
Nah that would feel like they’re shipping you an unfinished game and hoping you’ll buy DLC. Feels too much like EA
Did I say that?
It’s a party game and that’s why it sells well. Cutting characters would be a step backward.
There’s no way to balance smash anyway, no fighting game is balanced. Regardless, Smash 4 has had periods of being more balanced than many traditional fighters, even with that many characters.
There’s already a trailer
FUCK YES! This is the only tower defense game I could ever get into and such a brilliant co-op game. I feel like some of the visual charm is lost in this new 3D style but I hope it will grow on me. The diorama tilt-shift look is cool but it kind of loses the softness that I liked from the original.
We have no idea. If it is a new game I really hope the roster isn’t smaller. Some people suggest they might be doing the street fighter 5/overwatfh thin of launching small then keeeping people in by drip releasing characters and having cosmetic dlc. Not a fan of that idea, that’ll feel like a big step backwards to me.
Breath of the Wild is a Wii U port, snipperclips wasn’t developed by Nintendo and neither was Fire Emblem Warriors which I would argue is a mediocre game. Mario odyssey, splatoon 2 and arms are the good original non ported games Nintendo has released. Ubisoft made rabbids, xenoblade is by monolith soft and it’s trash,…
They all feel significantly different from each other on a fundamental level.
I was with you until you said they’re all the same game in the end
They need to market it regardless if it’s a port or not. Smash 4 got dozens of these cg videos so making a few for smash 4.5 makes sense to build hype.
I just don’t want the switch to be the Wii U 2, it feels like there are more ports than original titles.
New games are more exciting.
I think Nintendo has a port addiction.
Don’t think that means anything at all. I’d love to be wrong but there is no consistency when it comes to Nintendo’s game pages and original game could mean “original Nintendo title” or anything, I’m hoping it’s smash 5 but nothing in the trailer made me think that.
Praying it’s a smash 5 and not a smash 4.5 for 60 dollars.
I thought this was already confirmed?
And then imagine paying 60 more dollars for what will likely be more or less the same game with some new characters.
Smash 4.5
Both of those games were announced/shown already.