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“anniversary of Mike Brown killing” lol

These all-women reboots are insultingly sexist.

How about AG Eric Holder and the Department of Justice, asshole?

No need to read the article, as it does not apply.

You’re literally making stuff up to support your belief that flies in the face of all the evidence.

Regardless it is non-nonsensical to protest on the anniversary of a thug who committed suicide by cop.

What I’m saying is that christians aren’t wholesale murdering people in the name of the bible the way muslims are. it’s not hard to understand.

But he’s not a “victim” at all. He committed suicide by police. Time for #ferguson to apologize and move on.

No modern sect of Christianity follows a literal interpretation of the old testament, but nice try.

works for me. basically there’s a group of a dozen on the side of the road, one guy walks off by himself into the road, gets hit. darwin.

It’s obvious that they’ve chosen cognitive dissonance, yes.

Whereas muslim scholars admit that ISIS is very Islamic.

KKK isn’t a religious organization, but thanks for playing!

Nah, Abbott got dropped on the climb. She didn’t deserve the win.

No thanks. Do you respect the culture of the KKK too?

Except the bible doesn’t explicitly tell christians to kill gays or blacks, whereas the Quran demands that all infidels must die.

Agreed with all of that, but I’m still stuck on why are we protesting the death of a guy who robbed a convenience store then assaulted and tried to grab an officer’s gun?

We really should call him what he was - a violent robber and police assaulter.

Watch the video. this is just darwin in action.