Henry Joseph Oberon

6 hours? you got off easy! :)

In fact, given enough "science," we could conceivably rearrange the solar system and put the Earth in the center, if we chose to. ONLY THROUGH SCIENCE.

In fact — if we ever create a unicorn at all, the ONLY way it'll happen EVER is through science!

Really? All I said was that Soulsculpta should remain skeptical about his/her own self-diagnosis of a traumatic, presumably difficult experience from his/her youth. I was even careful (or I tried to be careful) not to step on the personal value and meaning of that experience for them.

I'd say more "set aside" than "discount." Certainly all that "thought about thought" has value. But it's not going to affect the numbers. Biologists and geneticists don't need to leave open an unclaimed genus for the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot just because a lot of people claim to have seen it. They'll revise the

"That the brain gets more hyper conscious as it dies is very interesting, but it['s] not the reason for N.D.E."

Well that's great but medical and neurological research is not a philosophical field.

You could make the case that we don't know how much we understand versus how much there is to understand — so making claims like this is troublesome. You can't say, "We know 10% of what there is to know. Let's wait until we know 40% or 50% or 80% to start making theories."

It's not the games, it's me.

Ahh, I miss the Civ games.

I do love a good illustrative animation. That's great.

January Jones isn't a prostitute?

Fuckin A, man.

Interesting! I've never been diagnosed, so I can't even say for sure that's my problem, but it sounds awfully familiar. I actually have a job where I don't have to show up (most the time) until noon, and that's moving to 1pm soon, ha! — I tend to feel peak-productive between 2 and 5 am and don't feel the urge to sleep

Someone else just popped up with (I think) this point — and I think that's referring to the Coriolis Effect.

This doesn't take into account this.

Are you talking about the Coriolis Effect? Because that depends on the size of the station and the speed of the spin, right? And while yes, you'd feel a difference if you moved closer to the axis of spin regardless of jumping walking or climbing, that's not really about the "gravitation," right?

I'm curious, but...

Yeah, hmmm, I'm not saying the problem isn't bad, but I'm pretty sure that isn't all to scale. When did we build a satellite the size of Africa?

Timo was right.