Henry Joseph Oberon

Strictly devil's advocate (since I mostly agree with you), but — "seems too ADD" is how I described the first one, before I saw it.

I like having to watch an ad for something I don't want to watch an ad for before I'm allowed to watch an ad for something I do want to watch an ad for.

Yeah, I think it breaks down to a kind of speciesism, I wouldn't deny that, but it's an interesting quasi-existential kind. I could conceivably doubt your genuineness if I was the one who created you from whole cloth (or mine was the species that created yours in similar fashion). Part of that is clearly speciesism —

Apple. The link is all over the comments section.

It's a complicated story but short answer, yes. (The PJs, too. And the Domino's Noid, for anyone over 30 I figure if you remember the Raisins, you might remember the Noid?)...

That's interesting. I liked Paranorman more than Coraline, storywise (please don't tell Neil Gaiman. I mean no disrespect).

Yeah, that's lame.

Damn Youtube, Damn Universal!

Hmm, I see. I don't know if it works for me still, but thank you. I get it now.

Oh! We watched this in film school way back when. I'd totally forgotten about it. So beautiful.

And to be fair,

This is indeed a day that will long live in astronamy.

It occurs to me, since we're ranting, raving, and roving down this road, that one problem is simply communication. If I ask an AI, "Are you an individual? Do you have a sense of who you are, as a self, as a separate entity?" And the AI responded (mimicking human responses, as per its base program/etc), "Yes, I am me.

Can we forever now send all the whiners upset about "dinosaurs with feathers" to the Cassowary? Because that shit looks more dinosaurian than any chicken.

I would say that's exactly right. The arguments for and against freewill make an easy(ish) example of that phenomenon. We cannot say definitively that freewill exists, whether we have some or none or total agency in our actions and lives, and yet we do feel like we have it, we feel like freewill exists, and obviously

I want the Theon poster. And Arya, and maybe Jon Snow.


I couldn't disagree more — its "campyness" is central to its charm. Most movies from the 80s have a veneer of embrace-the-bizarre artifice, but a lot of that looks dated now, colorful and cheap and gaudy, but Joe ages better because the artifice is gorgeous. It's like Little Shop of Horrors or countless other films
