Wow ok. I’m sorry you’re bitter. As a clinician and a human being I can only hope you get some help. The world is a tough enough place without carrying around all that hatred for strangers.
Wow ok. I’m sorry you’re bitter. As a clinician and a human being I can only hope you get some help. The world is a tough enough place without carrying around all that hatred for strangers.
Yeah I think it would never even dawn on him to condemn her killer. White Terrorist don’t exist for Trump. Just like he can’t fathom that cops can be murderers.
Panama what a beautiful heart breaking piece to read. I’m the mother to a wonderful biracial boy and the wife to an incredible black man who made it from the Foster Care System to the Ivy Leagues. I respect admire and adore your writing. My husband and I are raising our kid to fully embrace the biracial experience…
When a white woman was killed by a Hispanic man she became “Beautiful Kate.” Yet this woman is killed by a Neo Nazi WHITE TERRORIST and she gets equated to her killer.
Does Trump have no clue that America was built on the backs and spilled blood of Blacks and the land of Native Americans?
Yes they need to be banned! POC like my husband didn’t fight long and hard to break into the legal profession only to be greeted with statues or flags bearing these bullshit hateful symbols at courthouses and city county buildings. What a slap in the face.
The worst part of all of this is Trump is nothing new. He’s just a top ranked representation of the hate that lives in most Americans. He makes my skin crawl.
Wow so much hate! Nobody bashed black women! That’s wrong to accuse me of doing such ever. My son is a biracial child. Biracial people have their own unique experence in the world and forcing him to choose is just another type of oppression. Which is exactly why I included our own experiences in the comment. Those…
Preach! Preach! Preach!
These are the times I wish I wasn’t a social media free person. But I just can’t go back.
I’m glad you were allowed to post. I’m married to a Black man and I’m not sure how anyone could be married to a Black person and not see the blatant discrepancies in the way the world treats us vs them.
It’s not hard at all! But trust if the white person isn’t willing to do that then they shouldn’t be dating or marrying outside their race. If you love someone then you’d check your privledge.
Thank you for writing This! I’m married to a black man and proud mother to a beautiful biracial son. We get a lot of shit from White men and Black women about our relationship. Especially in professional circles (Im a PhD Psych & he’s an attorney). We are strong in our relationship and early on we confronted all the…
Wow. Well this my friends is what a scared white micro penis sporting racist looks like. Run Forest...Coward.
I’m a clinical psychologist. . I’m going to say that YOUR lengthy reply speaks to some deeper issues. Hope you get some help. . .and yeah you’re the problem.
I say this as a white person (and the spouse and mom to POC) to other whites if you are offended by this article. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!
Thank you for calling him what he is!! A terrorist! What an insecure white fragile pig. Disgusting.
Why are people shocked? Trump is A NEO NAZI!!! We are an international embarrassment!
Can y’all please ungrey me? Some of the root trolls are bogus.