
When they go low…low in this case means not even entertaining.

Well, this is a verysmart crowd that prides itself on being verysmart and a verysmart crowd deals in verysmart things and talks around things in a verysmart way and agonizes over things in a verysmart way but this verysmart crowd confuses its verysmartness for being more important than it is. This verysmart crowd

Scathing but unfunny.

This thread is an interesting read about stereotypes and those who follow them.

This is only brilliant to anyone with a sophomoric lefty sense of humor. To anyone else, it's an attempted pretentious attack that is a total yawn.

I think less is more here. The tension and buildup cannot go past season 1. It will only be a letdown. That being said, this has been one of the easiest shows to simply enjoy on so many levels in a very long time.

Coincidentally, as Amy Schumer has waded into territory outside of her knowledge zone, viewership has plummeted. She should have stuck to zeitgeist-y sorta feminist kinda stuff.

Maybe if Clinton learned the names, then other people would do so. They were killed on her watch and she avoids mentioning them as much as she can.

Dems question everything that they can't politicize to their benefit

He is only one of the greats for his symbolism but not his legacy or policies.