user erred

Let me put on my Captain Obvious cap and say:

“Please come get all your dead robots”.

The fence is made of Handwavium. It has amazing properties. It does whatever the plot demands it.

Tuesday is my 25th Wedding Anniversary. My wife and I will be celebrating by sitting at our side-by-side computers watching stuff come in from New Horizons with all of you while the TV on the wall behind them shows the MLB AllStar Game. What a grand day!

It's really a shame they did not include Ned's fever dream after Jamie attacks him. That section is one of the most beautifully written in the entire ASOIAF saga thus far, and reveals so much about Ned Stark

The most obviously missing flashback is Ned's nebulous memories of the Tower of Joy. It's so important to the story but currently their rule has precluded them from showing it. If and when Howland Reed ever reveals the (presumably momentous) truth about what happened, the reaction from the TV audience is going to be

Bear: "Sing The Bear Necessities for me Mr. Parakeet"

Well, no one likes eating crow.

Not on film: The crow handed the bear a coin, and told him that he must only show it, and mutter "Valar Morghulis", and it will grant him passage from the confines of the zoo to Bearovia. Where all bears are from.

Crow: "I owe you my life, good sir. Ask, and it shall be done."


I just really like that he's like, "Alright, later man, gotta go eat this apple" and proceeds to entirely ignore the crow the rest of the time. That apple must be delicious.