That is not the get up of a Cockney Bootblack. That is the get up of the man who has his butler sell the stablehand’s children into service as bootblacks.
That is not the get up of a Cockney Bootblack. That is the get up of the man who has his butler sell the stablehand’s children into service as bootblacks.
Choke the Raven nevermore.
When Angle’s music played and he returned to the match, it could’ve just as easily been the intended setup for a Roman Reigns comeback.
thank you
A sincere question : what do you get out of writing a comment like this? What does it do to you or for you to read a raw account of a man’s loss and fear and hurt and distill it down to (perceived) naivete and irresponsibility?
What reaction did you hope to elicit and how does it contribute to the Root / Kinja…
That’s one body part that does not tell lies, I’m told.
When referring to ocean-going vessels the term is “listing.”
Splinter should just email ICE a copy of the spreadsheet, there’s 75% chance that ICE would think Splinter returned it.
I see your Rage Against the Machine getting banned from SNL and raise you a Fear getting banned from SNL (with cameos from other famous punks, like Ian MacKaye).
“Notable Jets.” snicker
Don’t hope. That’s the only answer.
You tell that son of a bitch Arn Anderson he had better be a fucking pallbearer at Mr. Heenan’s funeral so he cal let him down one last time.
RIP Brain, you were a goddamn fucking legend to listen to all those years ago. In a way I’m actually glad he is gone now as I always felt it was so cruel that his greatest gift, his voice, was what was taken from him so we couldn’t enjoy it as he grew old. Didn’t seem right that such a fate should have befallen a guy…
The song of life.
“10-9, #19" - Adalaide Byrd
“Looks great.”
“Dusty Rhodes, the Nature Boy, just got out of a coma. Coma Chameleon, the Pet Shop Boys said it best. Best Western. We’ll leave the light on for you. YouTube, they still haven’t found what they are looking for. “
You are a real that guy’s that guy.