
Well now I know why they call it King’s Landing.

Can we please give Cleveland a few days before we have to deal with this bullshit again?

I don’t use the word hate lightly. I also try to remember that most people aren’t good or bad, everyone has some humanity, etc, etc.

ok I guess 97 years isnt too bad

Stricklin got well and truly grilled.

The Warriors are a necessary evil. For the sake of the Sonics, OKC cannot advance. All hail the Warriors for this series.

It’s not your fault...

Burneko is shitfaced but not wrong.

This is the biggest win for the Canes since like 2007.

The highlight so far was Troy Aikman throwing in an Extenze joke.

Fallout 4 is more realistic than I thought.

Ever since they were peers in elementary school, Weeden has been waiting for an opportunity to get the upper hand on Jones.

Earholing Norman should have been the last straw, for both Tom Coughlin — Beckham was actively hurting the Giants at that point...

Fans who root for people slowly beating each other to death upset over “cheap shot”. Story at 11.

if OBJ opened a bar how cheap would his shots be?

The reason is simple. The NFL needs to construct additional pylons.

KG would’ve won the Game of Thrones by season 2.

Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.

No doubt, the single greatest thing ever associated with Deadspin. Take a victory lap, internet.