
I don’t care for Cena the wrestler and character, but I totally understand why people root for Cena the person. His work with Make-A-Wish alone shows why he’s worthy of being cheered and the face of the WWE.

Strrrrraight from the clearance rack!

Okay, Greg Valentine. You can stop now.


Shoutout to the three readers who flagged this comment as offensive.

Have a feeling this is what its going to feel like when I have to cheer for the Niners next season.

I’ve been all for this for years. FINALLY the women’s division is gaining attention, but there’s still work to be done. WWE should stray away from “Divas” and go back to the Women’s Division title. They should also eliminate moves like “Rack Attack” and other degrading titles because it’s just not cute, nor friendly

The Cleveland of sports nations. National export is Sadness.

I’m a white atheist, but I was sobbing by the end of that, hoping against hope that Rev. Pinckney and his flock found their heavenly reward.

The people at Gawker did a hell of a thing when they hired Greg Howard to write for them, and I am sure I’m not the only one who is thankful they did.

you’re so right—i’ll adjust my blueprints

I strongly disagree with Early Access being in the “losers” list. Luke, you know full well that console games aren’t really finished products any more. And I’m not just referring to consoles games that are released with lots of bugs. Games evolve over time. The idea if a pristine, unchanging release is less and less

Trust me. Tommy will never get into Cooperstown.

If he does, he needs to sing it in his Scruffy or Roberto the Insane Robot voice.


One day, Jim Nantz will be forced to announce a soccer game and I will enjoy his obvious disgust.

The other Roddy White hasn't been responsible for any crowd noise since 2012.