It had been more than a full calendar year since the Raiders last won a game (those salad days of Matt McGloin and Rashad Jennings)
It had been more than a full calendar year since the Raiders last won a game (those salad days of Matt McGloin and Rashad Jennings)
Watch it again closely. It appears pushing the umpire was merely one part of the master plan to hit the other player in the nuts. Russians play the long game.
You forgot to add that they had to spend the day in St. Louis.
Manning must go.
Booze at games is like fighting in hockey. Would you stop going to games if they took it away? Seriously, would you? As a getting older person who still hits the bars, but who hates people to a large extent, I might be inclined to go to more games if they didn't sell beer.
Fortunately, Cutler is immune to criticism. Unlike his kids, who aren't immune to a goddamn thing.
I think you mean sexual battery, in which, I mean, it could be if the recipient did not care for it.
Wow, can't believe he fractured the transverse process. That might ruin his dream of becoming a lady one day.
"Actually, it's about ethics in journalism."
Carroll then pointed out the Rams' long-standing relationship with the military-industrial complex.
These sound strangely like things my girlfreind yells at me during sex, right down to the line about Baltimore.
I hope this was written on GMO free paper.
The top three nations by population (China, India, USA) don't worship football. Deal with it.
Bill and Bill's Excellent Adventures
As someone who lost a decent sized teaser on that play, I can tell you that was a gunshot gambling hit. But the look of Big Ben on the sideline immediately after, well, I'm a silver lining guy.
The Tequesta were a particularly superstitious people when it came to ailments and injuries. At the first sign of any trouble, they would consult with the tribe's Schiano Man in the hopes that he would scare it out of them with wild and insane chanting.
Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura also called for Peterson's suspension, not because of abuse allegations, but because he was partially responsible for 9/11.
"I also understand after meeting with a psychologist that there are other alternative ways of disciplining a child that may be more appropriate."
I bet her farts go through three generations before they are free.
Even his nose looks funny when it runs.